After the alarm sounded off and Ditto found his mask, he ran to the elevator as the other members of the make-shift team all began gathering in the meeting/monitor room. The headquarters itself was rather large, like a three story tall warehouse with a lot of open space as well as personal quarters for everyone who'd signed on. And it was underground. Which made Kilian feel safe and claustrophobic at the same time. Only the female android was in the monitoring room when Ditto took off. To be honest he wasn't even sure she was paying attention to him in the room at all. Never the less, the young hero dubbed Ditto by Superman split into his three individual selves after reaching the surface and began running and leaping off of rooftops towards Main street just a few blocks away on the west side of the city. Minutes later, what sounded like a jet engine flying overhead turned out to be the android girl now with her form resembling something out of a science fiction movie. It was around 3 pm on a Thursday. Schools had just let out. Ditto2 took the lead heading towards the now colder area around Main and Grell. Kids exclaimed seeing the ice and snow surrounding them as parents quickly grew concerned. Police sirens were heard and Cameron Mahkent started laughing like a hyena as he iced up the roads, Icicle then generated large pointy spikes of ice that shot up out of the streets. All three Ditto's now were on the scene with the android girl hovering overhead. "LET'S TAKE THIS POP-SICKLE DOWN!" screamed one of the Carggite triplicates as the three of them went in headfirst. One of the triplicates was smacked away while the other two tried to tag team the guy. Nobody knew that Icicle was just there to get a glimpse of his five year old son. He was a criminal but he'd never even considered kidnapping or bringing his son up in the awful world of lies and betrayal that surrounded him the last decade or so of his life. It never fails though. Once they've had your face on camera, these supercops of the future were as intricate and organized as a supercomputer. It only took a matter of seconds outside the schoolyard for the Big Brother type surveillance to get a possitive ID. While the villain fought off the Cargg native, a blast from another direction caught the villain by surprise. While young heroes began to gather, a unit of black armor clad cops also hit the scene. There was barely any skin showing, literally like Robocop films of old. They set up a parameter and kept civilians out of harms way. For now... ~KL~