トピックスステム (Xai Qian) Faction Type: Absolute Monarchy. Species: シャオ (Xiao): Xiaos stand over six feet tall, have two long, proportionately thick fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand, each tipped with talons, and a set of mandibles around their mouths. They also have evolved the metallic carapace (which contains trace amounts of thulium) trait as a defense against the greater levels of solar radiation that penetrate their homeworld's weak magnetic field. As for other worlds with stronger magnetic fields, they get dizziness and fatigue for the first few weeks or a few months. But, once their bodies get used to the new magnetic field, they are good and well as they were on their homeworld. Scale and Territory: At its end of The Interplanetary Era and the starting of Basic Interstellar Era. While their territory isn't large, it's growing bigger, they have their homeworld: リュキア (Lycia). The other two colonies are near the sun and are called: 新しいペルシャ (New Persia) and ケンタッキーマニ (Ky Mani). The population of the colonies and the homeworld is five billion. They also found other solar systems near them, that can be useful to them. Culture: Artists are very common because of their drawings, books, poetry, and many other things. Music and plays are used as a form of entertainment within towns and cities and can be used during a holiday. People who break the law are sent to a mine to work, but if someone kills or rapes a person(s), they get torture in public. They must go to the Royal Court and they are allowed to be found guilty or not guilty. Everyone must be able to read, write, do math, and many other things. Education is needed in order to join the military, the Royal Court, and get a job (that can make more money than other jobs). History: A summary of the faction’s origins and major events involving the faction Technology: An overview of the faction’s technological capabilities. Include their FTL method. Military Forces: There is fifty million within the military forces on the homeworld and the colonies. Twenty million are in the army while another twenty million are in space and ten million are in other military forces (navy, air, etc).