Nolan pulled the shot up car into the parkade. Parking right beside their land cruiser. He shut the thing off and winced when he heard pinging and crashing of something falling off. He hrmed as he got up and looked under the car, "Small wonders it made it this far." He got up and grabbed his rifle out of the trunk, then helped to drag Konstantin over to the Cruiser. In the meantime he tapped the automatic unlock, and pulled open the back seat door, timing it with Andrew to get the lump into the back, "Fucking bastage is heavy, dead fucking weight. It'll be good to get rid of him." He popped the trunk as he walked around to the back, storing his rifle in there, and shedding his ghille, leaving the combat harness under it on though, just in case. He holstered his M9, shut the trunk then walked to the front, hitting the auto starter. He hopped into the driver seat, motioning to Andrew, "Day isn't getting younger. And after the carnage we caused I want to be out of here before the police try and close things down." He shut the drivers side door, waited until Andrew jumped in then threw the car into drive and got them out of there. ---- Hours later he was driving them down a shitty dirt based road on the border. He rubbed at his eyes, the action was catching up to him, the stress and adrenaline taking their toll. He nodded towards the mill and turned them into it. Cruising carefully down the small service road, parking the Land Cruiser in the shade of the big mill. It took them awhile, letting things cool. He had found himself a battered chair and was reclining against a wall. He looked over at Andrew when he asked if it was time. He checked his own watch then nodded, "Yeah, looks it. Silent as a tomb out here, no one to catch us in the act." He picked up the recorder from where he had placed it close at hand. Motioning to Andrew to let him know he is ready. He then got up and went to stand in a position behind and to Andrews left, in sight, but out of the way. He knew that Andrew owed these guys. And Konstantin was just the tip of the sword he was going to drive into their chests. He nodded and covertly hit the record button on the digital recorder. Standing back and being as intimidating as he can be. He had a grim smile on his face as Andrew went to work. He picked up the Mk18 from where it laid close at hand, with a twist and a pull he removed it, tossing it into the air and catching it dramatically, adding that little touch to the whole deal. He knew that Konstantin was feeling the hurt now. This is business and the pair of snipers in front of him had alot of built up bad news to go around. Nolan stepped forward as Andrew knocked him over, playing his part. Not the good cop. Not at all. Which he proved as he righted the chair. Konstantin begged to him quietly, " can get me out of this." He coughed, "Please stop him. He'll kill me." Konstantin soon found himself flat on the floor again, Nolan having driven his fist into his ear. The gun runners ear rung from the force of the hit. And he gasped in shock. Nolan grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up again, "You don't get to ask me that you mother fucker. My brother, he mentioned China. You know who. That was us. I almost lost my brother that day. And spent a week setting it up so I could go in, kill the shit stains who did it, and get him out. I'd go through hell and back for my partner, and then drag myself through all the rotten sewers of the world so I could keep him and my friends alive. You don't get to ask me to save your worthless, pathetic life. As far as I'm concerned you're a non-person at this point." He righted the man's chair then stepped back and away as Andrew stepped back in. The interrogation continued. Nolan glared at the scumbag through the whole thing. When it came time, he lifted the recorder out of his pocket so Konstantin could see it. He turned it off, then let out a breath as Andrew sent the man back to darkness with a brutal punch. ----- He dragged the unconscious heap of the dealer off into a corner as Andrew got to calling their CIA contact. He smiled over at Andrew, "If Merlin asks, that EXACTO ammo was used. I hope to keep a hold on it until our next op." He made sure their HVT was secured then headed over to the seat he had found. Again plopping down in it. He groaned, "Think they;ll send us out immediately?" He wanted to sleep, get the stress and adrenaline out of his system, recharge. He honestly wanted to go back out, but he didn't want to go out too soon. ----- Wakhan Corridor, 1000, Talulqan Airfield, Afghanistan [url=]Music[/url] "Talulqan ATC to Spear Flight, you are go for start up. Force Recon, Marines and various elements of other groups are converging on the operations area. Command wants you all on site." The ATC looked out over the airfield as several attack helis began to spin up. A confident voice replied, "Reaper 07 here, Spear Lead for this op, we are go for spin up." The ATC replies, "Happy hunting gentleman. Skies are clear for your take off." Reaper 07 and his gunner shut the canopy, he called through the radio, "Reaper 07 to all Spear Flight. Check in." He looked to his nine where the other two helis in his reaper group spun up. Their Apache attack choppers top of the line. They called in, "Reaper 02 here, on your left. Spinning up." Another heli replied, "Reaper 15 here, ready to go." Reaper 07 turned to his three to look at the guests of their flight this round. Nine other helis. From three other nations come to join in on this coalition of annihilation. The first piped through, his russian accent clear, "Vampire 01, Spear 02 here, we are ready." Two other voices checked in Vampires 11 and 02 respectively. Their Hinds already buzzed and were ready to go. Three EuroTigers checked in, Acid 99, 22 and 08, their leader Spear 03. And finally several SuperCobra British choppers. Zues 05, 06 and 07, their leader Spear 04. As one almost the twelve helis lifted off the ground. A two hour flight found them in a forward Ops base, refueling for the next leg. As they passed into the Wakhan Corridor, Reaper 07 called out, "Check weapon system, guns and rockets. Make sure we're ready to go." Confirmations came back as they passed over some of the forward elements of the ground units. One of the russian pilots commenting, "Look at that, looks like everyone is taking this seriously." Reaper responded, "Brussels was like 9/11, only bigger, and was right in the face of the world. All those here know what we need to do." Several of the pilots wholeheartedly agreed. They flew for about 20 minutes before Reaper called out, "Alright peeps. Command is sending us twelve in as the opening hit. Force and Deep Recon has electronically marked several positions they want us to hit. We get in, take out as many of them as we can. Punch a hole for the ground forces. This is the wild west for us right now. Grab your tighties and pull them up. Guns free. Check mail regularly for TADS data from other ships, keep an eye out for those markers." Confirmations flew, and the gunners flipped off safeties and swung guns free. It began. The twelve gunships flew in, and began to make havoc. Ground forces were gifted the view of the twelve attack choppers darting about, unloading rockets and 20mm cannon fire on positions, opening a door for them. Hellfire rockets slammed into positions, Zuni and Hydra rockets making quick work of armor and hard positions alike. It was a good 45 minutes before the twelve gun ships all reconvened. Hover over the wreckage of an ammo dump they had absolutely decimated. One of the Hinds and a Tiger were floating out near the border of the town, taking cannon shots at fleeing insurgents. Spear 03 spoke out first, "Well, that was an interesting activity. We're likely to be kept on in the area for awhile aren't we?" Spear Lead chuckled, "Most likely. Can't see Command wanting to send us back so soon. Let's RTB gentlemen. I'm almost a Bingo fuel. Rearm, refuel, get ready. Likely get sent back to Talulqan until they are ready for us. Good job Spear Flight." As one the twelve gunships turned and headed back to safe territory, passing over the first elements of the ground force, passing through the first indications of Spear Flights attack. ---- Victor smiled at her, looking down at her as he wrapped his arms about her tighter, then blinked as she directed him to lie down. He hrmed then meeped. Then all he he felt and saw was darkness. And in his mind all he could do was laugh. Gods damn he loved this woman. After a time Victor sat there, feeling stunned, and aroused. He had the biggest goofiest grin on his face none the less. He sighed, and watched her move about and suit up, thinking he had the best deal in the world. He caught his breath, what not right? He got up after a time, and went around to his end of the armory. He also began to suit up, nodding, "We both should be dead who knows how many times over with what has happened. It's time for full on payback now." Piece by piece he went from Victor to Brutal. That heavy robotic suit clicking into place bit by bit. He had to be careful on his right side though, his wound still a little tender, not wanting to knock the gauze off and start bleeding again. Soon the Brutal suit was all attached. He sheathed his tomahawks, holstered his USAS shottys, the rifle butt club slotted at the small of his back,. And finally with a heave he grabbed the XM307 up, and set it over his left shoulder, hanging onto one of the handholds easily, "Ahhh hit's good to be a badass." He slotted his face plate up, blinked on the HUD and turned to look at his Bear of a woman, "This is how it's supposed to be." He motioned to her, clasping her in a hug while they are armored. "You ready babe?"