There are many worlds in the great planes of reality and madness. Many different stories and scenarios bound by a single truth, yet different and unique in their own right. This is but one of those stories. The story of heroes and legends incarnate. . . The land of Aldmorn is one of peace, wisdom, and the arts. Where lush land with rolling fields of grass provide harvest for all in the western front. Where the ocean sings its song and ice caps provide shelter for both prey and predator near the northern mountains. Where the desert winds billow forward, and only the strong may survive in the southern plains. And where the great forests of crimson and gold cover the lands of the eastern land. Aldmorn is home to a diverse set of creatures and beings who have all gathered to live in unity and prosperity. The land of Aldmorn is one of growing ingenuity and religious background. The people praise the deity known as the Dyteniteity, a supreme being said to create all and nothing. A being who gave birth to all universes and all realities, as well as the nothingness between each world. And so the people rejoiced, learning new ways to blend the magics of old with the technology of the new. It wasn't perfect, and Aldmorn was still far from a perfect society, but it was a shining example for many to follow in its footsteps. That was before the time of fear. The time of uncertainty. Years ago, a creature appeared. Something who's existence defied all logic. Something that's very presence ripped time and space asunder. Since the time this creature has been released into the world, Aldmorn had grown into unsettling chaos. Factions on all corners of the land have their own opinions, but all can agree on one thing: the creature, now dubbed Yggdrasil from the old Norse, is a herald of the Dyteniteity. A creature sent down to bring about judgement and the changing of the world. No one has seen its true form, and any who do go mad from its power. And so our story begins as such. The creature has been spotted heading towards the middle of Aldmorn. Whatever it wants, it lies in the heart of the land. Yggdrasil has now taken physical form, that of a terrible dragon-like creature wielding powers and technology almost alien to the land. You embark on a journey to either slay or attempt to understand Yggdrasil's true motives. In the end, what true secrets lie in wait for you traveler? --- [b]*Some Notes to Consider*:[/b] -Technology is abundant in Aldmorn, but not enough to create star fleets. The most advanced thing you'll see in Aldmorn-besides Yggdrasil-are combat drones and some aircraft. Magic however, is unlimited. -Each region has its own rules and if a character is coming from that region, they must abide by those standards. For example, someone from the Southern Region would be more adept in blistering heat and know more about survival in barren areas. -There is a Central Region to Aldmorn-the area Yggdrasil is heading-but it is generally considered as sacred territory for the worship of the Dyteniteity. -Characters can also be priests. That'd be interesting to see. So yeah. Adventure/Action RP with hints of Fantasy and Sci-Fi. Anyone interested? Additional ideas for story, characters, etc are widely appreciated.