Terry let out an unbridled horse laugh, similar sounding to what Rasca would do, if she were in a laughing mood. "Seriously, you're actually going to put human sized sunglasses on your pokemon? What a novice." Rasca grunted in reply, watching as Terry's Diglett sand attack whipped off her shades from Bulbasaur's face. It turned to glance at her, the look on it's gave was one of disgust. Bulbasaur growled when he focused his attention back on the enemy, causing the Diglett to scurry back a few paces. While the Diglett was recovering from the growl, Rasca called out her first command. "Go for Tackle!" He did as she wanted, and with a fast enough speed to carry him forward before Diglett could attack. He head butted the other pokemon with such ferocity, that it's whole body snapped backwards. On the rebound, Terry sent out her command as well. It was obvious what her move would be, so Rasca made Bulbasaur come back away from the hole that seemed vacant. "Sure you don't wanna run over to your stupid glasses and put em back on your dumb pokemon? I'm it'll thank you for it!" Terry jeered at her, though Rasca was undaunted. Instead of replying to her, she merely motioned for Bulbasaur to step out of the way of Diglett's next attack. However, the pokemon was confused and ending up stepping right into the pulverizing dig move that shook him to his core. He tottered on his feet for a bit, and tried tackling again. His attack only did a minimal amount of damage though, causing Diglett to get another hit in at Bulbasaur. Soon enough he was finished off, and Rasca returned him to one of the pokeballs. "This isn't quite over yet you witch. Just wait until Superior comes up, then i'll send you packing." Terry looked amusedly at the sleeping pokemon, and Rasca felt a hint of shame course through her. For now, her threat was merely nothing, and Terry let her feel the full blast of her scorn for the lazy Nidoran. Just as Diglett was returned back to Terry, Nidoran lept up and charged straight into her. She was taken off guard for a moment, while her water pokemon- a staryu, jumped in his path. They both collided heavily, and tumbled before returning to their trainers sides. "Your pokemon cheated! He was just faking sleep, and you let him battle anyways." Terry crinkled her nose in distaste of Superior's ultimately bad move, especially since he had been after knocking his poisoned horn into her legs. "You won't even get the satisfaction of coming close to beating me, if i let you." She pulsed Staryu back into her pokeball, and turned on her heel, away from Rasca. "This match is over." Once Terry had left into the city, Rasca yelled out, "Hopefully you get that water stone out of your butt long enough to evolve it! Otherwise you'd have lost dearly!" She sighed heavily and leaned against a boulder for support. Superior waddled over to her with a proud look on his face, which melted away once Rasca glared at him. "You should have waited for me to call you out. Now look what you did!" Dejected, she pulled out a second pokeball and pulled him in as well. His features were almost forlorn looking to her, but she ignored it. "Time to go to that item shop, and get Bulbasaur healed up."