For all their innate devilry, there was a certain honesty about the Shadows that roamed the unreclaimed ruins of outer Tokyo. If they saw you, they would attack and when you killed them, they stayed dead. Humanity was a different beast entirely... A heavy gunshot echoed through the empty streets and another Shadow was put down for good. It's executioner sighed deeply, weary from his long hunt. The young man had left civilisation a week ago, hoping to find peace and perhaps some measure of honour in his end; so far none of the Shadows he had found had been up to the task... The longer this went on for, the more conflicted he became. He had once hoped to become a Templar of the Paladins, a staunch protector of humanity and a man of honour, a man with [i]purpose.[/i] Even now he clung to that dream, hoping to meet his end with dignity... at this rate though, he'd starve in a few days. Not a particularly honourable way to die, that. Was it even worth the effort..? With a start, the young hunter realised he had wandered from the path, finding himself on one of the main roads that led back to the populated region. It seemed even his subconscious was telling him to give up... Of course, being a Persona user, he could always just [i]ask[/i] his subconscious... He paused, searching deep within himself for his partner of many years and summoned it among a shower of blue light. [b]'Well... I'll leave it up to you. Honourable death, a sense of self-worth and a chance to leave a world full of cunts, or a bacon sarnie?'[/b] The wispy figure danced around him, forming figures of eight and elegant loops around the young man's body. He had always likened Makami to a flying paper dog who had lost a fight with a steamroller... The parallels with himself were clear as day. But where the hunter lived by a sense of duty, his Persona was of a more whimsical sort. It flew off toward the glowing lights of civilisation, beckoning him to follow. [i]Bacon sarnies it is...[/i] His glorious death could wait a few more days...