Full name: Mick Zaford Codename: Rewind From: Good ol´Ireland Appearance: [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/202/5/3/he_used_to_be_called_red_mist_by_r6655321-d416z26.jpg] "Past, present and future are mixing while i am using my powers~ And you think in this mass of space and time, that i would not find an option to beat the heck out of you?" Powers: Rewind is possessing a rather complex power. While the first noticeable sign of his x-gene would be a advanced speed, he´s is simply faster than a normal but that by not moving faster, it appear like someone is winding up a tape, the movements are stocking, the limit of this power is yet still to be tested but as he is now he can wind himself up the 4x of a normal human´s speed, going over the four tines wonder up speed does takes a lot of stamina for him. Now when he does use his ability the next noticeable trait of his power would be noticeable, see able after images would appear behind him, like photographs they will stay for a short periode of time making it easy to predict and to keep track of Rewind. Last but not least Rewind is not named Rewind for some reason, those images he´s projecting by winding himself forward are in fact small portals in which Rewind can port him back as long as an image is existing. This does not leave him unharmed from attacks, if someone does hit him or would throw him around the power would be transferred but attacking an imagine would cause it to evaporate but no damage to Rewind. Another notable enchanted thanks to the x-gene would be remarkable reflexes thanks to a better conductivity of his bone-mark and so not only transferring pain quicker but also allowing him to react more faster. This also improves his sensoric abilities like hear, smell and eye-sight but sadly also increases his level of pain. He is so easily stimulated may it be good or bad. Pros: Rewind is rather skilled when it comes to physics or chemistry, he hold an natural talent for those two. He's possessing an overall knowledge about many things in life but lacks interest to venture deeper into them. He confident with his power and knows how to fully use it and to get creative with it. He´s rather athletic and peeked into many different martial arts, not mastering any but picking up things here and there. Enchanted reflexes and senses makes him usefull in field trips as well. Cons: Overly sensitive to pain. Not exactly what you would call a "teamplayer", he´s narcistic, cocky and sadly hardly to be motivated to be serious. Sensitive to foul smell or loud noises. Lazy but sadly not unmotivated. Brief bio: Mick was born in Ireland where his mother was a truely irish and his father american. His father studied and teached chemistry in Dublin while his mother was just pretty and the daughter of a local Destillery owner. As his father married her, he was next in line to own the destillery. Quickly he decided to import the good scootish whiskey to america and well it worked quiet well. Hs father made mock brands of risih icones and selled it in america while he also hold the high standards in ireland. Liquors like "Leprechaun´s jizz" or "Irish piss" which were all whiskey based flooded america while the simple brew was still obtainable in ireland. Mick grew up in this weird sorounding where his father was loving Mick´s irish mother while he mocked everything she stood for. The marriage was meant to be short and as Mick was 6 years old, they both broke up. Mick´s father got the full parentship and fully travelled to america. Mick had a lone childhood and drifted off. He first started to be a bully in school both physically and mentally since he had the strength and the brain, and later into criminality. He started with small things like theft but soon he went on to drug dealing and even later he decided to produce drugs. It was then as he also discovered his powers. Sure sometimes he had a weird feeling and during some tests he found that he sometime wrote backwards but he shook it off as a weird habbit but infact he was supressing his power thanks to an unknown urge. As he prdocuded drugs it also once came that a police razzia happened. The police kicked the door of his labor in and the few guards protecting started shootng. It was quick and bloody and during the shootout a bullet must have hit a tank with oxygen. Mick runned towards the exist just as the explosion of the oxygen tank happened. Mick would have run intot he explosion and he already felt the hot embrace of the fire as he suddenly stood where he started he running. He turned around and left the labor through another door. He laid of his criminality once and for all but still maintained a hedonistic life-style. Women, alcohol and the one or other joint occupied his life nearly to their fullest but the weird thing which happened at the labor didn´t let go of Mick. He decided to venture deeper into that feeling he got back then and finally grasped the faint straings of his power. He grew more and more accustomed to it as he then grew a bit over confident and beat a police-officer using his ability. He was arrested and luckily nobody believed the officer, it was then as he got an offer from a certain institute. He was curious and accepted it and only a day later he was out of his cell on his way to a man called "Charles Xavier"