Isaac rode on the top of a gunship, as the gunship was already full, and Isaac liked being able to leap into action from a unsuspected area. The best weapon in your arsenal, after your mind, is surprise, make your opponent underestimate who you are, and what you are capable off, is the words that echoes in Isaac's mind, the teachings of the grand master, Yoda, whom despite his small size is the greatest warrior in the order. The gunship arrived unscathed, much to Isaac's delight. Another Knight lead the troopers on the ship towards their objective that Isaac decided against getting involved with, he wanted, [i]needed[/i] to go on the full offensive. He knew the Kappa squad would be waiting for him, as one of the troopers had informed him. Awaiting his orders. Isaac saw the group of commandos, the Kappa squad, arrive before him. Isaac personally didn't like clones, he felt like they held something sinister in them, like their true purpose was twisted. Regardless, it was probably just Isaac being paranoid, since he had always had trouble with the soldiers of the GAR, ever since his childhood when he used to piss them off by stealing food from them. Isaac shook his head, clearing his mind of thoughts, as he saw the commando team approach him. The leader, walked towards Isaac. Isaac put on a faint smile. “Glad to meet you. I'm Isaac Newgate, Jedi Knight. Your mission is to take back the airfield, and you're specialized in guerrilla tactics, take the enemy out with grace and precision, correct? We're taking heavy casualties, and the temple will fall if we don't go on the offensive against the invaders. We have to take to take that airfield. I will aid your team to the best of my abilities, but I'll leave command to you, 'Spotter'.” Isaac speech ended, with a faint scoff. “Sorry. Sometimes when I start talking, I just don't stop.”