[quote=Spartan023] I like the idea and I like stealth so pencils me in for Antoine [/quote] Sure, no problem. OOC will be up once we have Svetlana filled in. [quote=Zero Hex] I'd actually love to play something like this if you actually, you know, didn't determine the players' characters for them from the getgo. I know they're supposed to be skeletons and that players can slap on whatever backstory they want but you already determine what they can do, what they'll be able to do, what they look like, a good deal of their personalities and even who they want to fuck in some cases instead of seeing what your players come up with and how the characters develop. It's too bad because it sounds like a Sci Fi Expendables and that'd be a blast to play. [/quote] I'm open to change features of them if you'd like- there are certain things that will alter all over the place. The reason for it was simply to kind of make sure I had certain archtypes of characters filled in, though I am more than happy to alter large portions if you'd like. Without it, I'd have, say, too many of one character and not enough of another- and I have had requests to change a specific character, something you could do later on just so long as you just had a good idea and felt it would work better overall (which I'm absolutely open to). Appearance isn't even a picture yet, so that's just a vague idea of some physical attributes- and no, I don't even control them, I've just got a vague abstract lines on which you can make a fully-fledged character in terms of what they do and moreover, how they'd do it on top of what you see. People in other RPs, surprisingly enough, I've seen not really do a lot of their own romantic conquests within a large team or you know, form subplots to expand the story's direction (though there are one or two that I know are absolutely awesome at it and are great to have), and even so, I haven't done much to really direct any liking to anyone. For all I know, Li could probably hate Antoine or something as random as that, it's just a simple case of characters being not so much manipulated, but created in a format that at least concentrates their direction. And in regards to that Love Triangle- it's more of a comedic device, you know. I'd like to do it for the shits and giggles really, that kind of makes it a bit awkward around those three characters to keep a sub-plot going in terms of will-they won't they. I mean, it isn't much of their personality judged down, it's a feature of it. There's a lot of room for you to give their personalities, their histories, and keeping that skeleton means that I can vaguely put across a concept of what kind of character I'd like to have in the RP. It's less sci-fi ish really, it's moreover an exadurated version of near-future combat. So of course, there's killing grunts and all, but then there's killing more resilient enemies, but it is within the grasp of plausibility. The rest is just a bit more future-y.