Trice's heart started pounding wildly as she looked at the man before her, maybe it was that fact that he was pointing an arrow at her but she felt like she 'knew' him. She remained quiet as watched and listened to the man, she wasn't sure what to say. A part of her was sure that he was the one she was looking for, but what now? Was she supposed to tell him that he was her other 'half' to something she wasn't even sure of? Was she not to say that and just ask him to trust her while she lead him to the isle of the Rebels? Gods! She was so confused in that moment, she wished the old man explained things to her better. Shaking herself inwardly she looked down at the bowl of food that the man had offered her, she slowly sank down to sit next to the fire and eat. "I'm in search for one that is to help me." She said after swallowing, she tried to word her words carefully. "I was told that I would find him when he was at his lowest." She said as she wiped her mouth and looked at the man. "Forgive me, but I forgot to introduce myself. I am Trice Hammeral, I hail from a small village on the coast of the sea." She felt a little odd being so formal but something about him made her fell that she had to be. She remembered how he nearly said 'my lady' earlier when he pointed an arrow at her, so he must of come from a higher rank then a farmer. Mayor? Lord? She wasn't sure. "May I ask why you are here as well?" She asked as she lifted an eye brow at him, why was he here? The only reason she was here was to find someone and her feet lead her into the woods. She was going to have a hard time explaining why she was searching for someone she didn't know and an even harder time explaining that she and said person had to go to the rebels for something important.