[B]GrimWrath, LowLands[/b] It had been many days since they started training. Everyone had a firm grasp on the battle plan. But now they were massed in a large group circling around the warchief. All of their eyes were on him waiting, watching. "Shield Brothers, it is now time we take action against those northern bastards! They strip our friends, fathers, and kin from their chance to access the great hunting grounds. They force them to be prey to the elder wolves!" He shook his fist angrily. Speaking loudly, almost a yell. "But no more will we let them corrupt our brothers who have been forced into surrender. We will take. Back what was ours and we will raise their hideous creation to the ground!" As he spoke he made hand gestures, the crowd was growing excited at such talk. " We will go forth and avenge our brothers or we will die and be accepted into the pack! There can only be victory, triumph and vengeance!" The crowd of men began to chant, yell, whistle and stomp. It had truly become a mob. The mob, drank, fought and all around destroyed the village they stayed in. The next dawn all 2000 soldiers with an additional 1000 support men Were formed up. The additional men were Made Up of lowlanders, greyanvil, and descended. All were fitted with armor and swordswere either mounted, loaded into wagons, or walking. They marchrd on the fort which their brethren had fallen. Behind the army massive pigs pushed iron walls. They were being led by the lowlanders. Each one blinded so it couldn't panic. There were an extra hundred scouts who patrolled surrounding areas. Staying far enough away to form a protective screen. A few moved ahead of the army, scouting and searching. The war chief moved with his army walking along with them, his wirrwarr loyally protecting him, they allowed him to move freely but were close enough they could stop an enemy. ------------------------------------------------------ [B]LowLands[/b] The people began to recover, and harvested what was left of crops and ready to slaughter animals. They picked up where their life had left off. There were no tears for those who left. Just the feeling of pride swelling in each of their hearts. The going was tough for the village the army stayed in and because they had nothing left, neighboring villages showed up with wood and food and began to help rebuild for the poor people. The caravans began to once again roll up the mountain side. Pushing to feed the entire country. It was a difficult job one that many had turned down save for those of the lowlands. Where they look at it as a time honored tradition. [B]Ashbridge[/b] There were many people gathered around the stone house that had been carved tunnel side. There were thousands and thosands of these houses in the ever expanding tunnels. The people all waited for the midwife to come and deliver the news. They chatted, smoked, and hung around everyone ready to welcome the new baby to their people. They would all congradulate the new mom, and bring her food they they each prepared, along with gifts and other odds and ends. Down the tunnel a boy poked at the fish that seam through the small aquafer. They were no larger than a hand but considered a delicacy. Children often only had to work four days out every 10 the other days were for playing, and learning of their great society. (Wip)