Cyber spent some time analyzing the situation. Her assessment was to burn it to death, then she remembered that killing was not permitted. She found a partially destroyed car. She harvested some of the metal and the gas tank to create a flamethrower. She then tested it to make sure it worked. Once the new toy was working she got up close and unleashed her flame at full force at Icicle. She thought she heard someone scream but she paid no attention to it. She forgot to take into consideration of heat build up in the flamethrower itself. A failure she wouldn't make again because after only a minute the thing was about ready to explode, so she threw it into some snow to allow it to cool down and to prevent any collateral damage from shrapnel. She glanced down at her right hand, it and most of the forearm was melted and twisted. She severed the melted & twisted material and absorbed into her abdomen to be broken down into base components to build more of the nanites that her body was made of. For now she re purposed the nanites that made her boots into a new arm. She found metahumans to be an interesting evolutionary advance of humans compared to previous evolutionary steps that lead to humans. She reached down and grabbed Icicle, from her palm a needle came out took a sample of his blood for study later. She then dropped him.