After locating the area where the 717th had gathered most of their weapons and equipment, Kappa Squad decided to remain in that general area until they were given further orders. "Hold position here, Kappas." Spotter said, making it sound like an official order. "Haha... Man, I can't wait to see those Imperators on the airfield. I bet those things could tear apart a Separatist Cruiser or two without any problems." Cockpit said. Radio turned to his squadmate as he sat down on an empty ammunition crate. "We need to get to those Imperators first, Cockpit. Besides, only the 717th is trained to fly them, so don't get any dumb ideas." Radio reasoned with him. "You never let me have any fun..." Cockpit replied, pretending to sound like a whiny child. Suddenly, the comm-links of the entire squad came to life. "Kappa Squad, do you read me?" A clone's voice said. "Loud and clear, advisor." Spotter replied. "New orders just came through from the Jedi Generals. The Temple is now sending Knights and Padawans to reinforce the GAR forces in charge of recapturing certain parts of the city. A Jedi has been assigned to your squad specifically." The Clone Advisor said. "I told you guys they thought we were special!" Cockpit piped up. Ignoring Cockpit, the Advisor continued. "The Jedi is named Isaac Newgate. He will meet you at the 717th assembly area. He should be there already, along with the other Jedi reinforcements." He said. "Understood, we'll meet up with him now." Spotter said. "Take care of him, Kappas. Intel is suggesting that Dark Jedi and Magnaguard forces may be dropping down to Coruscant to reinforce the Separatists. You're going to need a Jedi watching your back if that happens." The Advisor warned. "We'll keep an eye on him. Kappa Squad out." Spotter replied as he shut off the comm-links. He then turned to his squad behind him. "Alright Kappas you heard him. We've got a Jedi accompanying us on this mission. I don't want anything happening to him so we better watch his back while we do this. And if were lucky, he'll know how to watch ours." Spotter said as he gestured for his squad to follow him. Moving through the assembly area, they headed to where the Jedi arrivals had gathered. In the distance, they could see Commander Flash speaking to some Jedi Generals. Meanwhile, a young-looking Jedi approached them. “Glad to meet you. I'm Isaac Newgate, Jedi Knight. Your mission is to take back the airfield, and you're specialized in guerrilla tactics, take the enemy out with grace and precision, correct? We're taking heavy casualties, and the temple will fall if we don't go on the offensive against the invaders. We have to take that airfield. I will aid your team to the best of my abilities, but I'll leave command to you, 'Spotter'.” Isaac said. He paused before continuing. “Sorry. Sometimes when I start talking, I just don't stop.” He finished. Kappa Squad saluted him after he introduced himself. "You're right about all of that, sir. I'll do my best to make sure you won't regret putting your trust in my command." Spotter said. They lowered their salutes. "Let me introduce you to my team. You already know who I am, I'm Spotter, the Squad leader." He said. He gestured to his squadmate with the communications set. "This is Radio, communications specialist and field technician. He's also a master of close-combat." Spotter said. Radio nodded. "A pleasure to meet you, sir." Radio said. Spotter then gestured towards the one with a pilot symbol, poorly drawn on the side of his helmet. "This is Cockpit. The squad vehicle and demolitions expert. He can drive anything, and knows the inner workings of a tank or starship like the back of his hand." Spotter introduced. Cockpit approached Isaac. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, have you ever ridden in a Jedi Starfighter before? And if you have... What is it like to use the force while inside of it? Is it like a weapons system of some sort? Or is it more..." Cockpit made air-quotes with his free left hand. "...Mystic?" He asked. Radio interrupted him again. "The General isn't here to sign your autograph, Cockpit. So stow it." Radio said. Cockpit backed away and simply shrugged. Spotter turned back to Isaac. "Yeah... You'll have to get used to him..." He said. He then gestured at his last squadmate who had been standing silently this whole time. "This is Mech. He's the team sniper and field medic. He knows exactly how to keep someone alive, or where to shoot someone for a swift death. He doesn't talk much, but give him a job and he'll get it done for you." He explained. Mech turned towards Isaac. "You have delegated command to our squad leader, but you are still second in command... Give me an order and I will perform it to the best of my ability, sir" Mech said in an emotionless tone. Spotter turned back towards the Jedi. "We'll do our best to serve you. But we're counting on you to give us a hand when we encounter heavy opposition, sir." He said as Kappa squad began standing straight and at attention in front of Isaac.