Patriot took a big breath before he took off out of the training room at supersonic speed, and flew off in the direction of the crime scene in the city. the air blew past him at great speeds as he came to area of the battle between the supervillain Icicle and his teammates. he was ready for action, but saw that his teammates were doing pretty well for themselves. but then Icicle sent out a huge blast of frost which hit a mighty force, sending his teams to the ground, making the air around the criminal become freezing. "time to get into this fight" Patriot said with a smile as he shot down straight towards Icicle, and with a swing of his right fist, sent the villain flying for about thirty feet. he then began to draw upon the electrical power of the lights and buildings around to charge up reserves of electricity in preparation to shoot a blast of energy at the ice-based villain. "if he comes in another attack, i will blast him with a painful dose of electricity" he said to his teammates, and he was proud of himself for giving his team enough time to recover from the blast of cold air. he loved being a hero, and he was ready to take it to the bad guys with all that he had if necessary.