The enemy did not cease its onslaught, and so Ysolda had little choice. She must invoke the true name of Ligier and end this madness. However, as the immense machine attacked the elemental creature, so to did it continue attacking her. This was to be expected of a foe so large, of course. The large beam of red light tore through the sky as if rending even the heavens asunder. This energy then shredded downward through the earth and right toward her. To make matters worse... just before the beam hit, Ysolda could make out yet another volley of the explosive projectiles being launched from the titanic foe. Seemed things were heating up. Good. She would hate to be the only powerhouse present in this skirmish. Gritting her teeth, Ysolda summoned up her will and combined multiple charms into one simultaneous action. She would combine the "Seven Shadows Evasion" and "Flow Like Blood" into a technique that could flawlessly evade multiple attacks. First, the laser. Ysolda, despite being encased in a large suit of armor composed of hardened essence, was even faster and more nimble that in her normal form. This was due in no small part to the strength of the armor itself. Slamming her foot into the earth, she rocketed to the side at the last instant in a burst of dust and debris. The beam of light carved deeply into the ground where she was standing not a second prior. Such an attack would have spelled certain demise, had she not evaded it... even with the enhanced defenses her Anima Banner and God-Forged Champion of War afforded her. The peril had not passed... for there was a volley of many missiles overhead, all screaming downward in an attempt to snuff out the life of the Solar. But Seven Shadows Evasion and Flows Like Blood were miraculous charms indeed. As she rushed her foe, the missiles rained down upon her. However... each one that struck would not find its impact point to be Ysolda, but the rock and earth where she stood mere milliseconds prior. Her movements were so accelerated by the charm, that she appeared in multiple places at once. Each image lasted for less than a second, and each new grouping of images was closer to the behemoth than the previous group. The debris thrown up by her rapid movement, combined with the explosions of the missiles, conjured up a truly hellish battlefield. One that was further highlighted by the intense light emitted by the Solar Exalted's anima. Ysolda would then utilize the superior speed of her current form and the movements from her evasion to position herself at an extreme angle to the mechanical foe. She would, in fact, use its size against it and hide on one of the machine's leg-plates. Landing firmly against the behemoth's leg, Ysolda slammed the fist of her essence-armor into the metal to create a grapple point within one of the wide grooves. She then resumed her incantation of the spell she would use to end this nightmare. [B]"Ligier. Ophidian deceiver. Your name I invoke for the power it holds. By the primordial's defeat my enemies are yours. By the primordial's defeat, my will is your will. It is now that I command you to lend your power to me and obliterate the fate of those who stand in my way. Condemn them to eternal torment within your realm of terror and rejoice in knowing they share your pain everlasting!"[/B] The winds howled wildly and the Solar's bright golden anima became tinged with a sickly green color as Ysolda continued her incantation. Soon, this place would be a wasteland devoid of all life. This may in fact include her own death at the hands of her own incredible and destructive spell... but that would be a small price to save these beings from this mechanical horror. Soon, all would know the power of Ysolda Corinthus. She would not go silently into the night. She WOULD bring this monster down with her. ( Motes Spent: 9m, 2wp. 0 Personal, 9 Peripheral. Motes Remaining: 0/34 Personal, 68/80 Peripheral. Remaining Willpower: 6/10 )