1 hour before: The room was pitch black, not a single source of light entering the room. There was barely any sound put a low, shallow breathing, and the sound of a lightsaber being put together and pulled apart again, slight clanks and clicks. Every once in a while, a dim red or blue glow would shine from the center of the room, depending on which lightsaber Ciale was working on. The glow would slightly reveal the bottom of his face, his pure white hood over his face. Firm jaw line, five-0'clock shadow, and completely relaxed. This was the Jedi's form of meditation, and he did this constantly throughout the day. Lately, Ciale has been contemplating between the memories he's recently recovered, the deep repressed memories that he had forgotten years ago. Some of them were just childhood memories, harmless. Other were of him training to become a Sith lord, an apprentice and going through grueling training. Those were undecisive. But the one thing that bothered him the most was the murder of his master... and the knowledge of his murdered in turn being killed by Mace Windu. The justice of bringing his master's killer to an end was stolen from Mace. Ciale had mixed feeling about this, whether he should praise him or be angry. And it's been going to the latter lately. Sometimes, he thought that the Jedi had saved him, brought him to a new wave of life. And other times... he feels like they took advantage of him, used him for their personal gain. That he should of been a Sith, born and raised to be one. And this constant battle between him is why he meditated. Getting the thoughts out of his mind, and thinking about now and the task at hand. Although he never could sit still for long, so he usually got bored and disassembled and reassembled his lightsabers with the force. It was hard for him to sit still, relax. It was just him, he couldn't help it. It wasn't a bad thing either, always being on your toes, ready for anything. Paranoia? You could say that. While meditating was fine and dandy, and did relax him, there was one way that was a sure-fire way to get all his frustrations out and get his mind off of the serious matters. Training. Ciale let a slow breath out before opening his eyes, taking both his lightsabers and strapping it inside his robes. "Yeah... Maybe a little training will help." He whispered to himself, walking over to the door to walk out. Before he did, something seemed out of place in his room. Flipping on the light, he looked over and saw that something fell out of a container. Walking over and picking it up, he looked at it closely and blinked a few times. It was his old training armor from the day he fought Palpatine. Made of a very lightweight fabric, it was skin-tight and free from any mobility limitations, all in crimson red and jet black. Specially forged by Sith Alchemy, the fabric could withstand a lightsaber hit to a point that it would only burn or slightly cut the wearer by a full contact blow. The best part? Self-repairing, over a period of time. It was bold, it didn't try to hide in any shadows or robes. Most unlike his attire now... Pure white robes that covered his whole entire body. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain that split across his head suddenly, and he clutched his head for a moment. There was a disturbance in the force... a large one. Something was about to happen, and it wasn't going to be good. And he had a feeling there's going to be some dark force users at the occasion. "Well, so much for training..." Ciale took another look at his apprentice armor, wondering... Maybe it would help him. Present: Ciale gazed out at the destruction of the clones and the droids from his perch on top of a skyscraper. He was located near the airfield, sensing that there was a large amount of distress in this area. It also looked like the clones were trying to get their airforce up and running, maybe try to turn the tide of the battle. The only problem was... There were quite a few carriers landing in the airfield. It looked like the clones were going to have some problems with getting that airfield back. Unless, of course, Ciale had anything to do about it. Taking a running start, the force flowing through him as he ran at a high speed, he launched himself off the skyscraper with all his might, flying through the air as he aimed himself for the airfield. After a few seconds he was skyrocketing to the ground, building up the force in him before slamming into the ground.. right into a pack of droids. It sent them flying in several directions, the ones closest shattering into pieces as Ciale got up into a standing position. Pulling out both his lightsabers, he lit them, the red and blue sabers gleaming brightly as Ciale looked at the opposition. He made his entrance, now he just hoped he'd have something more worth fighting than these rusted pieces of junk.