General Check link: [url=] [center][img][/img] [b]Annahme[/b] [i]They called themselves Mythics, none knew verily how they came to be, but one fact stood true, they sought the extinction of Humanity. As a testament to their power, they razed one city after the next, they spared nothing as those that were 'inferior' deserved not to live. After a year of their grand crusade, Humanity is but a fraction of itself, and the remnants have most likely been enslaved, for if they should not, they shalt taste of their wrathful onslaught. Though, the Mythics grew arrogant, overlooking details as the ease of their destruction blinded them. This flaw allowed Humanity to thrive a few years more beneath the soils of their once-land, in the years, they waited, watched, studied, and built, built machines of war, and of destruction, the humans christened them "Titans". And when the moment was ripe, they rose and exacted just retribution upon the unwary, striking them down as mercilessly as the invaders struck down their brethren. So begins the war.[/i][/center] I decided to bring this RP back since it was lost from the old forums. Also, though, the other RP already had an OOC and a good number of participants, I wanna put this up just to be safe. Anyway, the main premise of this is something like "super-powered humanoids vs gigantic fighting robots," sounds too much like a mash of cliche, no? I'll elaborate a bit. Basically, the Titans rather than being humanoid giant robots like gundam, are more of something like this: though, that doesn't mean there wouldn't be any humanoids, as long as real world physics is followed a bit, so the larger the Titan the less humanoid it will look and the slower it will be. Even the smaller Titans would resemble vehicles than actual 'bots.' The largest possible Titan is possibly 80 meters tall. Now you would ask, why so overkill? Well, the Mythics aren't exactly pushovers, they're more of gods than anything. They can raze a city, in a day. Fortunately for humans, they're only limited to one 'element' elements are limited to drowning a city or burning it to a crisp, your Mythic could also specialize in something like gravity, or something physics based like equilibrium, you can even think up of your own element/specialty. Your powers would be vast, as long as they have something in common with each other. I have more details on both different classifications of Titans and different classifications of Mythics, but I'll reserve those for the OOC if this actually take off :D OOC: [url=]