[Center][U][B]Bleach: Ghosts[/B][/U][/Center] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/3u4QhzT.png[/IMG] Welcome! This is an original Bleach RP that is set sometime after the events of Aizen and his betrayal. The twist to this RP that makes it unique is the fact that whilst we will be playing as Shinigami, we are not members of the Gotei 13. Whats more, were invading. The plot will be explained in detail below but for now thanks for taking an interest and I hope you feel it's good enough to join or you simply have a good read because I've set this out to be more of a spectacle than a glorified arena RP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Center][U][B]Gorou Nobunaga, the lost Shinigami[/B][/U][/Center] Almost a millennium ago Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni was to be placed at the head of Squad one, to become the Captain Commander of the thirteen court guard squads. The appointment was to the surprise of no one and it was predicted by many that he would become one of the most powerful men to ever sit atop the Seireitei. Become. It was only said because he was not yet the most powerful, because there was another. Gorou Nobunaga. The man was infamous, his power had become legend as would the captain commanders. Nobunaga however powerful he might have been, was not approached for the position of Captain commander for he was deemed an 'unstable entity'. The members of central 46 did not trust him from the beginning but the reason they did not act was due to his volatile nature, and a man with that much power and such short a fuse would not take kindly to the sanctions central 46 would have placed upon him. Their worries were about to be put to rest however. The ceremony was complete and the newly christened captain commander Yamamoto was to give his first edict as the head of the Gotei squads. To strip the rank and status of the Shinigami Gorou Nobunaga, to imprison him. Stares of surprise and concern were seen on almost every face in the crowd, but once face was still, calm. Nobunaga himself took his sword from his side, he stepped towards the Captain commander as the surrounding Captains prepared to draw in anticipation of the fight that would ensue Yamamoto's order. Nobunaga did not draw however, he fell to one knee and raised his sheathed sword to Yamamoto, "So be it" he said before he was escorted from Sokyoko hill. The news spread in moments and whilst the majority were in favor of the mans imprisonment a particular minority was not. Nobunaga's squad. After fighting tooth and nail with the central 46 they were brought to their knees in reluctance, they could not do a thing, they could not save their beloved Captain. Soon after several members of Nobunaga's squad disappeared from the Seireitei, and after searches were unsuccessful it was clear they were not even in soul society. [Center] [U][B]Modern Day - Karakura Town[/B][/U][/Center] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Center]- [U][B]Character creation + cast[/B][/U] - Jakakumei (邪革命 – wordplay meaning ‘revolution of vengeful ghosts’) are a group of rogue Shinigami who are called “The Jacks” by locals. They are known for their stealthy demeanor and wearing masks. Although their members are not regulated strictly in regards to uniform, they are all required to wear a blue robe and carry a personal mask. The Jakakumei were formed after the imprisonment of Gorou Nobunaga, a former captain of the Gotei 13, by captain Yamamoto himself. His squad put up resistance to the act, but eventually had to flee from Seireitei. These Shinigami and their descendants are the members of Jakakumei, and now call the Rukon-district their home. [/Center] [Center]- Accepted Characters - Everblight -[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28503/posts/ooc?page=1#post-813298] Hideyoshi Saito[/url] Derren -[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28503/posts/ooc?page=1#post-813678] Yui Togame[/url] Hansa -[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28503/posts/ooc?page=1#post-814773] Ubauchi Akio[/url] Dizz -[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28503/posts/ooc?page=2#post-841103] Sin Nguyen[/url] Red Fox -[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28503/posts/ooc?page=2#post-842188] Akira Hisakawa[/url] Hagura -[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28503/posts/ooc?page=2#post-891309] Suki Shiotani[/url] MMGiru -[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28503/posts/ooc?page=4#post-913101] Ishimatsu noburo[/url] [/Center] [Center]- Pending Acceptance - [/Center] [Center]- Deaths -[/Center] [Center]- Character Sheet Skeleton - Name: Appearance: Personality: History: Shikai: Bankai: Other Skills: [/Center]