Left, left right, "is that the armory?" right, left, right, "i think that is the armory", right, right, left, "OK that is definitely the armory." Damakos was lost agen. He had left to go to atmospherics, and somehow got lost (but if he ever needed to go to the armory, he will easily be able to find it. There it is agen). Worst part was that the numbering system was not helping him. The numbers and letters jumped all over the place. perhaps he should ask for directions? (Hi armory) But what if that makes every one look down at him. No, he will try for a bit longer and......"that's odd." thought damakos, "Usually the armory appears by now . Have I finally broken free from the loop......never mind.time to ask the officers." After explaining his situation, the two officers (the same form before) pointed him the the direction oh atmospherics. At least this time it was a lot closer. Having finally arrived (and triple cheeking the room number to make sure that he had actually arrived.) he entered the room, went to the person who looked in charge, and formally apologized. His quest was over for now.