[Center] - [B]Name[/B] - Hideyoshi Saito - [B]Appearance[/B] - - [B]Personality[/B] - - [B]History[/B] - Hideyoshi was there, almost a millennium ago. The blasphemy of Captain commander Yamamoto and the imprisonment of his beloved captain. - [B]Shikai[/B] - Gyokaku, Buraindosasori (Catch, Blind Scorpion) Sheathing his Zanpakuto and calling it's name releases Buraindosasori, after which extremely loud bells can be heard by all in the vicinity of his Reiatsu before Hideyoshi re-draws his transformed Zanpakuto. Buraindosasori takes the form of a small single handed sickle with a curved handle that evolves into the curved blade. Buraindosasori is a unique Zanpakuto in as much that it primary a poison type Zanpakuto, yet it's poison is described to have Kido type abilities. The poison which takes the form of an incredibly thin layer of liquid that cotes the blades edges is secreted over time by the sword itself, allowing it to replenish and to deliver higher doses the more strikes are landed. The potent toxin has three stages and each stage can be activated by Hideyoshi. - Kanken (First Sting) - Kanken is a worrying but ultimately harmless first stage of the poisons effects. The victim will find that they begin to slur their speech and when they increase in adrenaline will start to see double. This does no harm to the opponents but with the quick nature of Buraindosasori's attacks they might struggle. If the victim allows the poison to settle for too long it has been known that it prevents speech all together. - Nibanken (Second Sting) - The second stage of Buraindosasori's poison is much more potent as it induces physical disorientation. Weakness of limbs and at times excruciating muscle cramps are the prominent feature of Nibanken whilst slow senses have also been a noted effect. This is an even more severe attack on the victims body allowing Hideyoshi to abuse their weakened state and attack quickly and precisely, it makes battle a very tough and arduous task and forces most to either surrender or retreat. - Chishiken (Fatal Sting) - This is Buraindosasori's Cout-de-gras whilst in Shikai and has an utterly terrifying effect which Hideyoshi likes to explain as it takes hold: "Our brains come equipped with a self-preservation mechanism that stops us doing stupid things that we know will harm us. This is because of electrochemical signals in the brain sent by neurotransmitters among other things. The toxin Buraindosasori secretes however blocks specific neurotransmitters, in a specific order, which flips your brains preservation switch. Some poisons have the ability to cause hallucinations, some asphyxiation and I've even heard of ones that completely paralyze the victim. Buraindosasori though, simply put, makes you want to kill yourself." [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/S7JCQZk.jpg?1[/IMG][/Center] [Center] - [B]Bankai[/B] - Unknown - [B]Other Skills[/B] - Hideyoshi has exceptional speed with which he attacks, using flash step his most favored techniques are ones that allow him to strike at peculiar angles close to the opponents body giving them little chance of blocking whilst also putting himself at risk by getting very close. [/Center]