(( Putting this up now before I head out for a few hours. If anything needs to be changed/added/removed, let me know and I'll see to it once I get back. Also: I set my character's level at Lieutenant for now. If it seems like there's plenty of people wanting to take Lieutenant positions I can 'promote' her to captain level, but otherwise I'm fine keeping her as-is)) [u]Name:[/u] Togame, Yui [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Apperance:[/u] Togame is short, standing roughly 5'4", with tanned, olive-tinted skin and dark eyes. Her hair is a light brown, falling loosely to her shoulders, framing a face hardened by years upon years of training. A trio of pale scars mark her face, one across the bridge of her nose, one down her jawline on the right side of her face, and the final running from the right side of her mouth up towards her ear. She is commonly seen wearing a dark blue robe opened slightly to reveal the top of a silver Sarashi covering her chest. Her right hand is covered in a glove of white cloth that runs up beneath the sleeve of her robe. Her left sleeve has been removed, the robe ending at her shoulder and capped with white cloth, leaving her left hand and arm exposed. In addition, she wears the simple sandals and white socks of a typical shinigami, as well as a silver sash that binds her robe about her waist. Her mask is a simple affair, pure white with a line of rich blue running straight down the middle, ending in a pair of painted lips. Togame almost always has her sword released, and so is typically seen with her left hand and arm wrapped in metallic ribbons up to her shoulder. The ends of these ribbons fall down to her waist, wrapping together into a tight cord that ends in the pommel of a short blade slipped into her sash. The blade itself has no wrapping or guard, the sudden tapering of it's sharpened edge the only indication of where the handle ends and blade begins. [u]Personality:[/u] Togame bears a polite, empathetic demeanor, beneath with lies a consuming passion for the challenge of combat. Upbeat, friendly, and fiercely loyal to her fellow squad members who defected so long ago, she constantly strives to improve herself by seeking out fight after fight. It's common for her to answer insults with a challenge to duel, or simply suggest a fight in order to pass the time. In her eyes, a stronger opponent simply means a greater challenge to learn from, and a greater reward should she emerge victorious. Togame bears no strong ill will towards the shinigami of Seireitei, but considers their imprisonment of Gorou Nobunaga to be an injustice that must be set right. With so many years having passed, she only blames those who still rule Seireitei, and hopes that their followers do not have to suffer for sins they never knew had been committed. However, if she has to fight some of the stronger shinigami of Seireitei during their task to free Nobunaga... well... you won't hear her complaining. [u]History:[/u] Togame Yui was a promising soul picked up by Nobunaga's exiled squad years ago from the upper northern districts of Rukongai. Her proficiency at Kido and love of a challenge made her a promising student, and she proved her worth time and again as the years passed. Feeling his squad was the one who saved her from a meaningless life, showing her instead a world of challenge and reward, Togame feels a sense of loyalty to Gorou Nobunaga, even though she has never met him. The stories told by the origional members of the Jakakumei have convinced her of both his strength and the injustice of his imprisonment, and she works eagerly to see him set free. She since trained for years alongside her fellow squad members in pursuit of that very goal, rising to a level that rivals the lieutenants of Yamamoto's Gotei 13. [u]Sword:[/u] 'Daughter of Medusa' ('Kurage no Musume', if Google translate is to be trusted) When sealed, Her sword is a wakizashi-styled blade sheathed on her hip with no guard or wrapping, appearing as if her blade had never been completed. [i]Divide and flow, Kurage no Musume[/i] Upon release, her sword unravels into a host of sharpened, metallic ribbons that immediately wrap themselves about her left arm, their ends writhing out past her shoulder when unused. She typically keeps her sword released, and forms the ends into a mimicry of her sword's sealed state when at rest. [u]Sword Abilities: [/u] [i]-Adaptive Ribbons:[/i] Togame can control the ribbon ends of her released sword mentally, as an extension of her own body. They can be used to lash out at or bind an enemy, grab hold of objects, and even form weapons, shields or simple armor. The sharpened ribbons themselves are typically only capable of inflicting minor wounds, and her constructs can be 'unraveled' by a strong blow or energy strike, but it's strength lies in adaptability and fluidity of change. In combat, Togame uses the ribbons of her sword to constantly keep her opponent off-balance, alternating swiftly between attack and defense, adapting her fighting style to better counter her opponent's, and slowly wearing them down with a continuous barrage of lacerating strikes. [i]Spiritual Resonance:[/i] Additionally, Togame's sword resonates with and magnifies her own reiatsu, allowing her to cast kido with greater speed and efficiency. She can also combine her skill at Kido with her weapon's changing nature and spiritual resonance to allow her to use offensive and defensive techniques in new and inventive ways. [u]Bankai:[/u] (Currently none, Togame's level is closer to that of a lieutenant than a captain) [u]Other Skills:[/u] [i]-Martial Prowess:[/i] In line with her sword's abilities, Togame is skilled in fighting with a variety of weapons, and is especially adept at hand-to-hand combat. She is a fast and agile fighter, preferring brief skirmishes and light trades of blows to full head-on combat. [i]-Spiritual Prowess:[/i] Togame is skilled at Kido, and thanks to her sword's abilities is able to manifest most low-mid level Kido (up to mid 50s) without an incantation, and higher kido (high 60s) with an incantation.