The Prince watches the fae with a mixture of awe and confusion, at times he seems almost amused, as if he has worked out something and then he descends back to quiet confusion and mystification. When the Fae was finally done and spoke up about the passages he himself had been intent on telling the fae he gives a wry and somewhat wary smile. He had been taught not to trust magic and this would seem more like magic than anything the young prince had encountered in his life time thus far. Yet he could not help but see the silver lining along with the black cloud, for if the fae had truly intended to kill him, even when the man had been hired too, then surely he would not be standing here and as such that lead to mean that even when hired too the fae had known such a thing to be wrong. “It is your room do as you please, the mechanism is easily jammed and once jammed it will be nigh on impossible to open from either side. A clever trick, though I am sure it is one you cannot teach.” As the fae reached for the door the Prince stepped aside and took the lead out as he was spoken to. “I suppose it is better to show you now rather than later, though it is to be expected my life is targeted. Many oppose the idea of me taking the throne over my sister, they see me as an imposter. Others are still bitter and grieving over my brothers demise and yet others still believe that it is time my family’s rule comes to an end. If I die there is no living male heir to take the mantle of King and as such my sister would be Wed to a neighbouring country, forced to take their name, their title and thus giving the Kingdom to them. In fact, for a greedy man there is little reason not to kill me.” Alessandro made light conversation as one might with a new servant as he directed the other about the castle, he showed Rei first the rest of the floor they were upon, explaining the interconnecting passageways and giving a rough idea of the guards patrol times. Then they progressed down through the floors, bathing rooms and guest servant’s quarters, the kitchens and the stables, both horse and dog kennels. Then back around the gardens to the main hall, where often balls and dancing were hosted on feast days and servants were even now still clearing the remainder of the party from the night before away. The family dining area which also served as a small council room was also shown along with the tapestries that hung there depicting their family lineage all the way back to the days fae and man had still interacted. Below this and connected via outside means was the prison come dungeon, they only briefly graced this place though Alessandro pointed to the far end where bars were bent and twisted and a chill wind blew from caverns below. “They say one of our ancestors trapped a dragon down here, tricked it somehow, though no one is as quick to guess what happened to it or why the bars are bent like that. None are allowed there though and the guards keep it under tight security. I know from plans the meisters have shown me that there is an underground cavern there filled with water it’s quite perilous.” With the gathering of night and tiredness weighing on him he lead them back to the floor they began and outside his own quarters the Prince halted and spoke one last warning to Rei. “If you intend to go to the West wing.” Which he had pointed out on the grand staircase as they’d descended, “I again urge you to be careful. With all being well I shall see you come the morn. Goodnight.” With his farewells given he slipped inside his room –lest Rei have words for him in turn- and readied himself for a nights much needed slumber.