Hellfire had watched the battle with interest- watching as his teammates dispatched the already downed Icicle. He didn't feel the need to intervene, as he thought his team would realise it was overkill. But they didn't. So right as Hellfire moved to prevent the death of a supervillain, Frostburn beat him to it. And now Orbit was talking to him, and Hellfire remembered what happened before the overkill. She ignored him. He had asked what he missed, and she ignored him. It wasn't emotional hurt that came over him, but rather, concern. She had her eyes closed tightly, her body rigid, when he talked to her- a sign of panic. But panic from what? Then it hit him- the blast of cold, right when he approached Orbit. She was scared of the cold. He walked towards Orbit and Frostburn, prepared to confront Orbit about her fears. They could cause her to become a liability, after all. But then he thought better of it- he'd spare Orbit the embarrassment of admitting her fears- at least until they were in private. Instead, as he approached his two teammates, he congratulated everyone on their good work, before arriving at Orbit's side. "So... What now?"