A blaze of hot pink energy, like a shooting star, shot through the atmosphere with a loud boom. It was growing brighter, the closer it got to the earth. And then suddenly it changed course, shooting across the sky, blazing with such odd light that people actually stopped to stare. Then it shot downwards, heading down to the city. Confused and scared people continued to scream and run away. But with a loud crack and earth thundering boom, it landed in the middle of the street. There, crouched low like a cat who'd just landed on its feet, was a Tamaranian. Standing up slowly, she put her hands on her hips and surveyed the area around her. A hulking and large Native American male was the first to greet her. "You heard the call, Miss Dawnfire?" his voice rumbled. She nodded curtly. "You go to the mansion, I'll head to where the other trouble is. Be safe, My Sister." He did a sort of salute and she mimicked it, before she shot off back into the sky towards the Titans' mansion. The huge warrior of a male charged off in the other direction to deal with the other trouble that had been roused up. _________ Dawnfire floated above the mansion, surveying where the main threat might be. She shot down sending a massive blazing hot pink star bolt right into the back of War. Letting out an animalistic screeching war cry, she charged straight, giving him one inhuman punch to the center of his back. Standing before the enemy she growled. Baring a pretty set of feline fangs she growled again, charging right at War, sending him a good healthy kick to the chin. Swerving around she put out both hands and let out a multitude of star bolts, all just as forceful as missiles, hitting him head to toe. "Miss me?" she snarled and glanced up, sending a bright flashing explosion of a hot pink star bolt into the sky. The Tamaranian warrior was back, and this city was under her protection. Anyone wishing to challenge that and harm anything in her protection would be destroyed by her hands. __________ WarBird charged into Eden, his father unbreakable twin blades in his hands. He cut through controlled corpses and he ran and tumbled and charged. Left and right, he was fast and inhumanly strong, an aura of rainbow-like light surrounding his massive form. He would quickly go from one almost victim to the next, slicing through the attack corpse and quick commanding the almost victim to find another civilian and grab something to defend themselves with. Civilians were not as helpless if they stuck together and defended one another. Their panic would be calmed if they were given orders, something productive to do. Protect the children, elderly, sick and injured. Anyone who could fight back should grab the nearest blunt object. "It's like those zombie video games people," the Native American shouted to his herd of civilians, "Let's cut 'em down to size and show them who this place belongs to!"