Name: Jasper {No last name although he does take 'Hawkins' for that} Age: 24 History: He had been taken in as a pup, by the most infamous creature ever to grace the earth: Dracula. He's unsure why the vampire did so, and the only answer he gets is, "I didn't fell much like cleaning lupine blood from my fangs any more." which doesn't really explain all that much but, Jasper takes what he gets. Personality: Jasper's a little bit of a child from time to time, refusing to act his age for 'just because I'm an adult, doesn't mean I have to lose the fun'. He has his moments though, that he can become extremely violent and dangerous. But they are rare, and only when his anger gets the better of him, and let's be honest, it would pretty much all the time if it weren't for Dracula. He avoids doing any sort of work around the castle. And he does it in order to mess with the Housekeeper. He enjoys getting on her bad side, since he can heal from whatever she dishes out anyway. Picture: [IMG][/IMG] Pet: He has a rottweiler and boxer mutt that he calls 'Beast' that won't hurt anyone, unless they pose a threat. Beast is actually very well trained and he has civil conversations with the mutt since he is a werewolf. Name: Amelia Jaxon Dubrinski {Is either called Amy or Jaxx for a nickname} Age: 18 History: Ever since she was a little girl, she could conjure up anything her little mind wanted. Be it someone to play with, who was her own age-if a different species [her favorite even as a little girl had been vampires]- or just an ear to lay all her troubles to. And when she grew older, she retreated to her books cause they were much better than reality. She could transport to different worlds without having to actually walk out her door dreaming of something better than this life. Personality: She's an introvert who will come out of her shell when she feels comfortable around a person. But once she does, she becomes a funny individual who will refuse to quiet up, actually being a bit hyper. She's loyal and will stand up for those she calls friends and family, and she can and will protect herself and others. Picture: [IMG][/IMG] Pet: she has a grey fluffy cat called Puxa. The cat is friendly but will scratch you if you cause Amy harm.