"You are not the only ones," she gave him a sensual purr, before shooting like a lightening strike at the thing called War. The knife was in her hand and she gave her enemy a feral grin. No one touched her friends. Ever since their old leader had died Dawnfire had made a vow to herself. If anyone was harmed on her watch, she'd might as well be considered useless and leave the Titans for good. Gripping the blade, her hand glowed brightly. Dark energy would be no good on her. She and Starfire had been doing to much practice with dispelling and even using it. It had been difficult and intense training, but clearly worth it. Lungeing forward she sunk her animalistic teeth into the dark creature's neck with the force and barbarianism of a wild animal. Ripping the blade away from War, she sent a forceful knee into his gut, her firey hands lighting up even more, sending star energy crawling over him like fire on gasoline. Releasing him from her bite, her pupil-less green eyes blazed in amusement. "I've learned a few new tricks, War," she purred, "Better get ready. It's going to hurt being my experimental pig." Letting out a growl she dug her claw-like nails into his skin, injecting him with her ravaging star energy. It'd burn him from the inside out, anything it'd touch being either absorbed or destroyed. Like a virus. Her own personal little invention, based on the age old human illness of Consumption. Releasing War, she sneered and picked up Viran, placing him gently to the side. "Rest well, Friend," she said gently, before turning back to War with a hand on her hip, "Now. Where were we?" She shot him with her eye bolts, unrelenting in their force and power. She was much stronger than before. Much, much stronger.