Tony glanced up at the ceiling, thinking before glancing down at Loki with a slightly teasing grin. "I have no idea what you are saying," he arched an eyebrow. "It justifies everything." Loki seemed to be enjoying their little teasing session, though laughing was making him cough. And that sounded horrible. Loki really looked quite terrible at the moment... Not only physically in Tony's eyes. Mentally as well. He could tell when someone who was mentally, uh, in a bad place. A strength? Well it probably wasn't... He could just tell. Him and Loki were almost similar, in ways. Loki probably had it worse. "Hey, it's okay," Tony murmured as Loki cried again. Brilliant. He was making everything so much better. "Although damn Odin all you want, he sounds like a crap guy. Doubt you'll ever have to see him again, though." Unless Thor dragged Loki up to Asgard. But Tony definitely wasn't going to hand him over to go there. He wasn't exactly sure what would happen when Loki was better, which seemed a long way off, but he knew it wouldn't be Tony turning Loki in. That would be kind of pointless. If he was going to do that he would do it now. Then he wouldn't actually have to look after an ill Loki. But he wasn't going to. He had something of a heart. Maybe. "Maybe when you're a bit better I can take you to the training room and you can take all your anger out on a punching bag?" He doubted Loki would take him up on his offer because Tony was sure he wouldn't stay after he was better. He was beginning to get confidence that Loki wouldn't kill him. Well he hoped the god would be grateful for what Tony was currently doing for him. "Okay, later works..." Tony nodded. "If you're tired I'll actually leave you in peace, then. If anything happens when you wake up just tell JARVIS. He'll hear anything you say to him. I need to go... call Pepper anyway. She likes me to keep her updated." Add an explanation to make the lie seem more real. Smooth. Tony moved towards the door, hovering as he opened it just to wait and see if Loki said anything else before Tony left him to sleep. Well, hopefully sleep. He'd get JARVIS to monitor him so if he got worse Tony would be able to go in and do something. The advantage of having an AI that was in every room. Though JARVIS was growing more and more human... Tony remembered when he had sort of threatened him. That had been interesting. Tony had been being a bit of an idiot, though. Truthfully Tony planned to call Fury when he left Loki to sleep again. Not to turn the god in, hell no, but for other reasons. Fury was sort of in charge of the Avengers and also director of SHIELD so he was the best to get information out of. If anyone knew where Thor was it was Fury. So Tony would ask him, think up some lame excuse for why he was asking and hopefully get into contact with Thor to tell him everything. Then Loki would be secretly delighted when Thor appeared to be all brotherly and everything would end happily ever after. At least Tony hoped so. It was the best plan he had. Just had to make sure Fury didn't get suspicious... That would be so much fun.