Faction Name: Central Endasian Government Faction Type: Council among preeminent states on the homworld. Species: Cason, humanoid bipedals the Cason have limited water breathing capabilities but greatly prefer the air. Standing on average 5 feet tall the Cason are a short people but are fiercely intelligent and often difficult to kill due to their strong scale covered skin, though this melts to softer skin around a bald head. The total population rests around 14 billion. Scale and Territory: The CEG is in command of their entire home system and two nearby stars that were colonized with sleeper ships that arrived there some one hundred and five and again fifty years ago. The CEG developed a primitive intermittent FTL drive recently that enables travel speeds of 1.3c roughly twenty years ago. Though generally inefficient in terms of star travel the colonies and the home world now have to deal with each other and the sudden relative ease of travel (from many decades or centuries to three or four years). This has resulted in an increased control of colonial government and polices; changes which have strained relationships and led to growing independence movements on the colonies. Culture: Extremely diverse due to its method of governance the CEG maintains wildly different cultures and ethnic groups through a policy of self-governed regions. The largest of these regions make up the council of ten that leads the CEG. The dominant cultures (usually spread over several governing states) are as follows: Eastern Cultural Sphere: Within what was originally a political block several hundred years ago to the east of the recently more powerful Central region a very conservative culture is found. With an emphasis on morality and tradition Eastern culture is often among the most religious and it is there that the largest population of religious peoples is found. This modern culture is reinforced by a rich history that can be seen in Eastern cities as ancient stonework streets and houses are often located below the towering and often monolithic sky scrapers of the modern day. This historical remnant is left over from thousands of years of the East being the largest hub of science and prosperity prior to the rise of industry. It is this former glory that has brought about a nationalist and often racist sentiment in the East that persists despite constant campaigns aimed toward ensuring global stability. Old and prideful the East can be seen as the least socially developed in many aspects of society, namely in the often lower value of rights and the active movements attempting to stop minorities there from having voting rights. Central Cultural Sphere: Several of the largest and most advanced regions of today exist here, liberal and secular the Central cultural sphere is changing and rarely holds a single value for more than a few decades before attitudes change in another direction. While culturally dynamic Central Sphere peoples often hold to values that promote science and thinking even if they come at the cost of morals, which in the Central Sphere come and go quickly enough. However that is not to say that there is no common thread in morality, usually those in the Central sphere hold strong to the concepts of equality and basic rights for all peoples. It is no wonder that a defining aspect of Central culture revolves around progress, something that often puts Central peoples at odds with the Eastern peoples. Southern Cultural Sphere: An expansive and fractal landmass that may as well be called an island chain the Southern Cultural sphere is among the most superstitious and old of cultures. Among the least advanced but most populous the Southern sphere is where most colonists are drawn from seeking a better future, this has led to the Southern culture by and large being the one accepted on the colonies. Old religions and tribal culture abound in the South. Strangely with the addition modern technology to some degree the South has adapted and the shamanistic religions have come to be instead focused on technoshamanism, some idea that technology and magic operate the same and used in conjunction have the greatest effect. This mixture of primitive culture and advanced technology has made a very interesting society that is one foot in the distant past and one foot looking to the distant future. This has also made the South the greatest believer in augmentation, to superstitiously be in closer contact with the spirits and to gain wisdom genetic engineering and cybernetic enhancements abound. This diversity has proved divisive in some ways as many decisions are stone walled by certain elements of the council that call them violations of their cultural identity. However as communication between all regions increases a growing push to a more unified state has begun and labelled itself the Unity movement. While smaller than any dominant regional culture the Unity movement has shown to be a very pro colonization pro science liberal group. History: The history of the Cason is one of conflict and conquest. Originating in the southern island chains the species first migrated to the east and eventually the north and west. Due to the difficulty of agriculture in the South tribal culture maintained its authority for thousands of years until the industrial revolution. In the East however things were much different. In the east the Cason quickly discovered agriculture and within a few thousand years of the initial migration found nation states and became the most advanced peopled on the planet. However this advance often was the result of warring factions. The East would maintain this position of superiority until during a period of peace several explorations missions were sent and reported a vast continent to the west and north. This led to a scramble for new lands among the Eastern powers. It was during this period of colonial land grabs on a new continent that the eastern powers came into conflict with each other and fought the first long war. Lasting a hundred years the war eventually caused the colonial possessions to declare independence and caused the East to slump into massive depression in which many starved and most of the monarchies of the region were abolished. The lands once colonized by the rose above the Eastern powers and spearheaded a move to industry, and after the industrial revolution largely colonized the Southern islands. The Eastern nations slowly recovered from the first long war and began implementing the advances made in their former colonies. When the East had fully recovered the world was not situated in the West and North, but the Central region. Mass migrations followed and for a time there was trade and peace on most fronts. It was the south however that ended this, seeking independence from the Central powers a massive guerrilla war in the South brought the Central powers industry to a halt. Needing the South’s resources the Central powers eventually negotiated treaties and many new southern nations were born, although they would continue their own wars for the next twenty years before stability began to return. Things went on as expected for hundreds of years beyond this point, wars were fought and empires toppled but nothing truly revolutionary changed. That was until a powerful Central region nation launched a rocket into space and soon after demonstrated an Atomic weapon. This sent the entire world into an arms race in an attempt to overpower this Central nation by the name of Endasia. The race never ended for ninety three years it drove on, space colonies were founded and Endasia continued to keep the lead, politically taking over much of the Central region and founding the Endasian Union. However when the race ended it was because the second long war had begun. Lasting eighty six years and averting nuclear war though a constant series of coincidences the war was largely conventional. It was for the first time waged on the ground sea air and in space. Hundreds of millions would die but by the end of the War the Endasian Union was simply in a better position than the other nations, and surrender was the only option. In the wake of the war the Central Endasian Government was formed allowing all nations that surrendered and many that didn’t political autonomy and a seat on a new council that would rule the new world nation. The next six hundred years saw scientific progress as their chief. A push to colonize the rest of the star system succeeded and eventually resulted in the sending of sleeper ships to two verified worlds. Those ships arrived roughly one hundred and five, and fifty years ago. Twenty years ago primitive FTL was discovered and a true stellar empire was on its first legs. Technology: FTL: Recent FTL advances have allowed a space warp drive capable of 1.3c to be developed. Primitive but reliable the drive is the first step in a plan to develop a 10c drive that would facilitate mass colonization of nearby star systems. Sub Light: Nuclear fusion engines are used to accelerate to an operationally safe speed of .45c. Weapons: Ground arms: Kinetic rifles such as hand held railguns are the primary ground weapons used by the CEG. Ship Arms: 100mt-1000mt guided missiles are the main weapons on all CEG ships, however recently Graser technology has been added to all large ships as their new primary weapon. Bodily Enhancement: Cybernetic and genetic enhancement is common in the CEG but is only widely accepted as right and good in the Southern region. [b]Military Forces:[/b] Enlisted Personnel: 24 Million Logistical Support Personnel: 38 Million [u]Ship Classifications:[/u] Kosan Light Frigate: (18 in service; 12 CS, 6 HWDF) (84 in reserve; 58 CS, 26 HWDF) Engines: Lacking FTL the Kosan is a small ship that’s runs off old fusion engines capable of acceleration to .23c in some nine hours of acceleration. Exceeding this sublight speed limit risks shield failure upon collision with microparticles. Shields: The Kosan operates weak shielding that is mainly designed to counter particulates hitting the shit at c-frac speeds. Arms: Point Defense Solid State Laser x20 Nuclear Rated Missile Tube Warhead x4 Bio: First deployed some 43 years ago the Kosan is outdated in most respects and serves little more than a limited scouting and combat support role among Colonial security divisions. Stores hold 8 missiles. Basong Cruiser: (48 in service; 5 CS, 43 HWDF) (0 in reserve; 0 CS, 0 HWDF) Engines: The Basong carries an FTL drive and optimized fusion engines capable of acceleration to .45c in one hour of acceleration. Past this speed micro particles threaten shield integrity; though .60c travel is possible shields will operate in a severely weakened state. Shields: The Basong operates combat oriented fluctuating frequency energy shields rated to 140 exajoules impact energy before failure. Arms: Point Defense Ultraviolet Laser x60 Nuclear Rated Missile Tube x20 STS X-Ray Laser x12 STS Gamma Ray Laser x4 Bio: Deployed ten years ago the Basong is the newest vessel in service. Equipped with Graser technology as well as X-Ray lasers the Basong is a ship built for space combat with limited bombardment options having only 20 nuclear missile tubes and only 100 missiles in store.