She snorted at him. "You look more like a bug to me," she said dryly, apparently unamused at his little trick with his dark energy, "You keep that up and you'll kill yourself." She smirked, his blood still on her lips. She put her hands into the dark energy. She let out a small huff and her hot pink energy seemed to devour and glow brighter as the dark energy resisted. Soon the wall was bright pink and was sucked into the Tamaranian. She let out a sigh of delight and licked her lips. "Tastes like ice cream," she purred. "Tsk, tsk, I expected more," she smirked, "Your dark energy is just like a small seven course feast on my planet." The dark creature charged at her but a figure blocked him. Dawnfire frowned. Blocking was unnecessary. She had more than enough energy now to take down at least three of the dark creatures, considering all that dark energy he had just fed her. Dismissing the old Valkorian with a sigh, she flashed forward and griped War's wrist. "Give me your energy," she hissed with a smile, drawing his dark energy from his being like she drew energy from stars. That dark energy was converted to her own star energy and her feral smile grew wider and wider. "You should be more intelligent," she growled, "You should of realized... You're a walking meal to me now. I'm an energy manipulator!" She was sucking up his energy like a vampiric creature, a slow animalistic laugh bubbling form her golden lips. "Give it all to me," she purred, "Give me your energy." Her vice-like grip on him tightened, growing stronger and stronger with the more energy she took from him.