Well with this character I think I know a way to get in. Name: Amano Yukiteru Nickname: Yukki Age: 14,000 Weapons/Gear: Space-Time is pretty much his weapon, his phone is a diary that can predict the future of his surroundings, called the No-Difference Diary or Observance Diary. He can manipulate the diary to his own will. Abilities: Can control Space-Time, has a diary that can predict the Future (Mirai Nikki) Species: Human/ God Of Space-Time Appearance [img]http://mrs-yisearch.mrs.yimg.com/api/res/1.2/eESK1POOXKUGerNDFH5omw--/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD00MDA7dz03MTE-/http://benigmatica.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/mirai-nikki-26-15.jpg?w=512&h=288.cf.jpg[/img] From: Mirai Nikki (Future Diary)