[img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090821202235/diablo/images/3/33/Monk.jpg] Birth Name: Merek Kayas II Name origin: Named after his father. Alias: Monk Gender: Male Skin tone: Slightly tanned Hair Color: None Eye Color: Brown Height: 6 foot Body Build: muscular but not to the point of bodybuilding, he maintains a physique that allows for dexterity, agility and strength. Faction: Conjurers Affiliation: Good Backstory: Merek is the son of a high ranking prophet within the monastery that worships the seven gods of the kingdoms. His father was the only member of the monastery allowed to mate as the prophet bloodline had to keep going or the monastery would be left without a proper leader designated. As a result, Merek was to be appointed prophet after his father passed away. He grew up under the teachings of the monastery. He learned their holy book off by heart by the age of eight and found his true calling by the age of 10. He was adept at fighting with the battle monks and yearned to become one. His father was extremely wary of any harm that could happen to Merek if he took on the training, but Merek was determined to convince his father it was worth it. Eventually his father gave in, but with the catch that Merek couldn't whine about the rigorous training and had to continue to learn the religious teachings after he had finished his training. Merek was ecstatic and couldn't wait to begin. His teacher was as brutal as a war seasoned military general. He pushed Merek to his physical and mental limits to the point that he even dislocated Merek's arm at one point. Merek was determined to become one of the greatest battle monks in the monastery. His dream was reached around the time he was 17. His training was complete and he was a fully fledged battle monk. There was only one problem, to be qualified to actually defend the monastery as an official battle monk Merek would have to make a pilgrimage to find something of value and bring it back to the monastery. An old tradition that never faded. He packed his bags and left, carrying only rations, a small amount of gold and his Bible. He made his way through many villages, meeting many people and telling them of his Bible in exchange for their tales from their lives. His pilgrimage took a lot longer than he thought it would though. Every time he found something worth any value it always went wrong. Something always disrupted the plan, whether it be a bandit or a rockslide. It took Merek years to find his object of value, but when he did it was fantastic. He had found a man-made cavern, filled with abandoned mining equipment and torches. He took a pickaxe and began to mine in one of the tunnels. He never knew what compelled him to do it, he just felt as if something had to be behind the walls of the tunnels that made the miners leave their pickaxes and torches just lying around. He soon found out what had actually made them leave. A giant behemoth of a monster stood before him, composed of the rock and dirt that Merek stood on. The fight was long and painful, Merek only won by a birth right that had been hidden from him for years. As it turns out, Merek was born in the eighth month and his father had hidden this to keep Merek in the running for prophet. Merek was on his last legs when something amazing happened. He conjured a blast of pure energy that penetrated the monsters skull and left it for dead. Merek took its skin as prize and returned home. He regaled the monastery with his tales of adventure and his battle with the monster. The stone skin was accepted and Merek was finally a fully fledged battle monk. His head was shaven and the symbols of the monastery were tattooed on his forehead. Things were to take a turn for the worst when the mad queen came into rule though. Because of Merek's openness about his magic and the monastery's close friendship with the conjurer culture, the Mad Queen targeted the monastery for demolition. Merek was out getting the monasteries weekly food stock when the raid happened. He returned to the burnt corpses of children and the fire that engulfed the monastery slowly rising. He leaped into the burning building to look for survivors. He was met with the mad queen's goons stabbing his father. In a fit of rage he snapped their necks before they could react. He began running after that, never turning back. He made his way to the conjurer utopia and has stayed there ever since. He teaches all who wish to learn about his religion or about his fighting skills. Strengths: - Master of hand to hand combat and staffs - Trained in various fighting styles - Massive knowledge of his own religion along with literature Weaknesses: - Knows nothing of any weaponry outside of staffs - The only armour he wears are the stone bracers on his arms Religion: The monastery of the Eight Birth Month: Omnia