[img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11112/111123459/3459367-calvin-rose-talon.jpg[/img] The armour is black and grey [i]Birth Name: Daniel Bróðir[/i] [i]Name origin:[/i] His first name is just a given name; nothing special, though his surname means Brother. [i]Alias:[/i] The Owl [i]Gender:[/i] Male [i]Skin tone:[/i] Slightly Pale [i]Hair Color:[/i] Brown [i]Eye Color:[/i] Blue [i]Height:[/i] 5ft 6 inches [i]Body Build:[/i] Lean, maintains a physique for acrobatics. [i]Faction:[/i] Brotherhood [i]Affiliation:[/i] Neutral [i]Backstory:[/i] Born of bastard union between a minor noble and a peasant, his father having denied Daniel was his son and left him and his mother to fend for themselves in the Slums. Surrounded by poverty and disease, which eventually took his mother, Daniel was forced to steal to survive, developing stealth and acrobatic skills with each act of thievery. Daniel's exploits attracted the attention of The Brotherhood, who drugged him and brought him to one of their safe houses, offering him a place with them on one condition, he had to give up everything, Daniel gladly accepted despite the difficult requirement wanting to eradicate poverty in Vahara. The Brotherhood taught Daniel in poison making, how to identity them by smell and colour, the final part of his teachings was the use of daggers and throwing knives in combat, he nearly died in multiple sparring matches. After years of grueling training, he is now currently on his first official assignment to assassinate a corrupt nobleman with the same thing he spreads throughout the kingdom...poison. [i]Strengths:[/i] -Knowledge of Poisons -Knife thrower -Acrobatic -Trained with daggers -Minor martial arts training [i]Weaknesses:[/i] - Not very adept in hand to hand combat - Only trained in daggers and throwing knives - Wears little armour beside bracers, greaves and basic scale armour on the shoulders as they weigh him down - Young and little experienced [i]Religion:[/i] Doesn't really believe in any Gods. [i]Birth month:[/i] Solum [i]Brotherhood Mask appearance:[/i] [img]http://i.imgur.com/J4I9DZ1.jpg[/img]