((The first part of this post is from the OOC so if you already read it you can skip it)) It is 2004 and villains are on the move. Lex Luthor and Dr. Doom have teamed up to prototype a temporal resonance bomb that could potentially rewrite history and wipe their enemies from history, giving them the freedom to control the world without any pesky heroes getting in their way. They have been successful in keeping this project a secret from their enemies, taking elaborate measures to keep the existence of the bomb quiet. Fast forward ten years and Lex and Doom have completed the bomb but there is an issue. In order to work as designed the bomb needs two things. It needs time to charge and lock onto the targets' temporal signatures in order to perform to its specifications, and it needs the targets to be somewhere nearby. Luthor has a plan to get around these limitations. He is going to plant the bomb in Times Square Manhattan and tell the heroes. In order for this plan to work they will need the heroes to stay in range without being able to defuse or destroy the bomb. To do this Lex and Doom recruit every villain they can name to help keep the heroes back and draw the heroes in. The bomb has been planted, the villains are in attendance and the heroes, all of the heroes, are converging on Manhattan. The battle is long, violent, hectic. The sheer number of heroes and villains in Manhattan is enough to level the city if the battle gets out of hand. As the battle continues and the bomb gets closer to completing its task a small group of heroes break through the defence and make it to the bomb. It isn't yet ready and Lex wants to fire, Doom protests saying that without having the proper amount of time to charge the effects will be unpredictable. Lex doesn't care and in his panic fires the bomb. Waves are sent out through time and space and the universe is flipped on its head. Doom was right, the effects of the uncharged bomb was unpredictable, it altered the histories of every person within range, erasing the communities or organizations they founded and altering their personal histories. Some people vanished from history, some were born in completely different centuries, some are forced together into an amalgam of two people and others are born or raised under different circumstances (sometimes in multiple places at once leading to multiples of the same person walking around), changing their view of the world and motivations for what they do, turning some heroes into villains. The worst part of it is, nobody remembers why it happened, but they are all haunted by the feeling that something isn't right. --- [b]Hank McCoy[/b] Hank was rummaging through a trash can in an alley behind an Italian restaurant when he was struck by the feeling that something wasn't right. He looked around him but he was alone. A warm breeze drifted into the alley, bringing with it the scents of the restaurant but nothing out of the ordinary. Hank just grunted and went back to his scavenging, the blue fur up to his elbows sticky with tomato sauce and cheese as he rummaged through the bags, looking for something that wasn't dusted with rat poison. "Damn rats, ruining it for everyone else." he mumbled under his breath. After rummaging through the trash and finding nothing he could eat Hank decided to go and wash his arms somewhere and headed out of the alley, off to find somewhere he could wash up. [i]Probably the park, I could wash up in the pond and nobody would really care.[/i] Hank thought to himself, wiping some of the sauce and cheese off his arms as he walked, leaving puddles of red sauce and lumps of cheese in his wake for the first ten feet or so. --- [b]Kurt Halner[/b] Kurt was relaxing in his apartment, admiring a painting he had recently "rescued" from a wealthy man's home while enjoying a fine aged wine he had relieved from the same man when he was struck by the sense that something was amiss and he disappeared in a cloud of smoke that reeked of sulphur, his wine glass falling to the floor as he reappeared a mere moment later sticking to his ceiling and blending into the shadows in the corner. He stayed in his corner for several minutes, waiting for police to burst into his apartment to arrest him and seize all of his possessions. When Kurt was satisfied that nobody was there he climbed slowly down off the wall and decided that it was time to leave for a while and clear his head. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong as he put on a sports coat and loafers and left his apartment, drawing all kinds of looks from the people in the street because of his blue skin and tail. Kurt walked down the street, ignoring the looks from others until he passed a man walking down the street that towered above the rest. The man was a little too preoccupied with wiping tomato sauce and cheese off his arms to notice Kurt but boy did Kurt notice him. "Big guy, wow." Kurt said as he stopped, watching the big guy pass, seeing the fur and the feline face hidden behind a hood before continuing on his way, deciding he would see what he could see, something was off and he wanted to find out what it was.