Alright, I really don't like saying this, but I'm going to end up dropping out if this RP. I'm dropping out of all the RPs I'm in right now because I sort of realized while I've been ill that I don't feel like I can't wait to get better and RP again and more like it's been a reprieve from RPing. I think it's just been so long since I haven't been in any RPs that I've started to view RPing as more something I need to do and not something that I want to do. So I decided that it's probably for the best if I just take a nice, long break from the Guild. Like, completely. I'm really sorry about this, but I figure it's best that I say this as soon as possible. I really wanted to do this, but I don't think it's for the best. You shouldn't have to change much, since I've only made 1 IC post. So this is goodbye for now.