"Because your arm is the same size as mine," she sneer with a laugh. Her green eyes glanced back at the gasping man. With a nod she flicked War off of her like a annoying bug. His last sacrifice would no be in vain. "If they take me in, it matters not," she growled, "All that matters is you head on a spit." She push star bolt energy from her eyes, meeting his attempt to hit her in the head. That move would not work again. She lifted her burned hands, still glowing bright and focused on her own personal energy within his body. Tamaranian body energy was something that always obeyed its owner. It had been his one mistake. Had he merely taken her borrowed energy from the stars it would of been another matter. But her cell energy was within him. Her fingers twitched, spreading open farther and farther, expanding the reach of her energy in his body like roots in the ground. "Time for the illness to spread," she whispered, eyes locked with War, "Burst." Small pockets of her energy through his body started to erupt uncontrollably. Like how Darwin had surcomed to over adaptation to friendly fire, War's body would try to keep up with the multitude of tiny cells of radiation explosion in his body. Like mini nuclear explosions within him, maybe she wouldn't kill him, but she'd cause enough pain to make hundreds on thousands of normal people die from exposure to such an attack. And all of that pain was bundled and curled within him. It was a vicious and barbaric attack, something that had been outlawed on Tamaran since the ending of the Warring Times. It was an attack originating from the very first powered up Tamaran, their Goddess, who had been driven mad and thrown into an eternal prison of their great sun. And while his body was focused on adapting, she hit him with all she had physically. Even if she were to beat him to a pulp for a hundred years, she would not relent. Not this time. She had a dying wish to honor. With a growl she charged at War, her burning hands fueling her anger. Her claws drew across his body over and over again, her feline teeth tearing and ripping at any flesh she could find. The massive force of Tamaran strength was drawn into all of her knee jabs, all of her head butts and all of her kicks. He would die by her hands, so say the Universe and an elder's dying wish. [i]Either he or she or both would die. Either he or she or both would die. [b]Either he or she or both would DIE.[/b][/i]