[i] Born on Monday Christened on Tuesday Married on Wednesday[/i] It was dark, and it was the way Solomon liked it. He enjoyed the darkness. He remembered little of his life before the darkness took him. He only really cared about what happened after it has spat him back out, into the shell of a body he inhabited now. The constant pain of existence ate away at him, and the mask that was fused to his face had become heavy over the centuries. He wanted rest, but in the mean time all he could do was dull the pain. Which was why he enjoyed his current home. Before he had arrived in this city, he wasn't able to indulge as frequently as he would have liked. Word tended to travel quickly when corpses began showing up mostly eaten away. But not here. The amount of people created something like an information vacumn. There was so much going on at any given moment that no one had anymore than a passing thought for a corpse, no matter what condition it was found in. [I]Took ill on Thursday Grew worse on Friday[/i] And it was a perfect environment for him. But sometimes the monotony of killing and eating the flesh would get to him. So to break up his routine, he would go on killing sprees from time to time, laughing while he did it. Something about bombs appealed deeply to him. Gas also held a special place in his heart. Something about those poor saps being so oblivious to their creeping death warmed his long dead and rotten heart. [i]Died on Saturday Buried on Sunday[/i] He didn't even need to work hard to find a lair. There was a maze of tunnels that were discarded by the people that Solomon found perfect. It reminded him of the dark tomb where he was born, cold and damp. He enjoyed the little things. He wouldn't need to eat for several hours, but he was more impatient than usual. Something was nagging at his desiccated flesh. It was the daytime, but that hardly mattered to him. Maybe he would be able to find something to entertain himself with. [i]Woke up on Monday[/i]