[b]Peter Queen & Norman Merlyn[/b] [i]Star City[/i] Peter Queen, as the masked, bow-wielding vigilante Spiderbolt, was caught in a battle with the also bow-wielding terrorist, the Dark Goblin. He knew almost nothing about the guy, except that he was good at what he does. Arrows flew past his head, barely missing their mark. The Goblin was good. He was [i]really[/i] good. "Yo, ugly! You may want to improve your aim a bit!" yelled Spiderbolt, shooting three arrows at his opponent, one aimed at the face, one at the body, and one at his left kneecap. The Dark Goblin, Norman Merlyn, caught the arrows aimed at his head and knee, and dodged the one aimed for his body. He was up in the air, standing on his glider, a piece of military-grade equipment developed by his own company, Merlyn Global Group. He released a maniacal laugh at Spiderbolt's attempt to incapacitate him, before shooting two arrows, laced with explosives. As the arrows exploded, Spiderbolt dodging them with acrobatic grace, Goblin began flying away. He could sense something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it. But he had a feeling New York City would have answers. Spiderbolt watched his enemy fly away. Something was off. No one flies away from a battle like that. But he could also [i]feel[/i] that something was off. Feel it in his bones. So he shot a tracker arrow at the bottom of the Dark Goblin's glider, hoping that following the terrorist would give him answers.