James stood just outside an area marked and barricaded off outside of a very famous and very hyped up art exhibit. The art exhibit was housing many celebrities along with many very expensive paintings. They had skimped on nothing....except security. The three masked men wielding automatic rifles practically walked their way in before holding everyone up. The police were called to assist, but James got there first. He had formed a mutual respect and friendship between himself and the police in his area. They had suited him up with all he needed to be kept up to date with the crime in the city. A rather large walkie-talkie like piece of equipment hung on his belt from which he was told about crimes. He was currently holding one of his revolvers pointed at one of the perps who had come out to negotiate. He wouldn't have drawn his gun if the perp hadn't been holding a hostage at gunpoint. James thought of a plan, it was risky, but if it worked everyone could go home. He stared down the barrel of his gun before a loud bang rang in his ears. His bullet collided with the perps pistol and sent the gun flying out of his hand. James sprinted at a speed far greater than the perp could see and sent a punch straight to the jaw of said perp, sending him to the ground below. Police converged on the man as James zipped into the art exhibit before sending a punch to the gut of the second perp followed by a swift kick to the chest and a sliding kick to the knees of the third and final perp. Police soon appeared on scene and arrested the perps after disarming them completely. James left soon after, to keep his identity a secret he was constantly vibrating, making his features about as recognizable as a house with weak bearings after a large earthquake. He sprinted his way back home which was nothing out of the ordinary. His home was a middle class apartment that looked no different from any other in the apartment block. He changed into his civilian clothing, which consisted of a check shirt and jeans, while his shoes remained the same. He carried a backpack containing his 'supersuit' for emergencies. He made his way out into the world and to the nearby diner. He went there often for celebratory meals. Something felt wrong today though, he just couldn't put his finger on it.