Loki was shaking. He knew that he was in trouble if SHIELD came for him. He had no idea if Tony would defend him or not. He was looking pale. He knew that he would need alot of help. "Yeah he is, " He sighed. He didnt want to go back to Asgard even if it was for Thor. He knew that Thor would miss him. But Loki didn't feel happy in Asgard, He knew that he might never be. He was just stared at and made fun of. The god wondered if he would ever find any way to be happy. "I suppose we could do that," The god was looking at him "That is if you want me around then, but getting out anger may help me, I feel like there is still alot pent up, I couldn't really get some of that out when I was locked up," He wished he could get it out now, but he was just too weak to do that. The god didn't very much have the energy for anything. He felt very weak and dizzy. His head was hurting him badly. "Not that I feel welcome anywhere." The god wasn't sure if Tony would make him feel welcome. "Mmm ok." Loki wasn't sure if Tony was really going to call Pepper. He was too tired to really care though. "Talk later I guess." he closed his eyes. He was hoping he would get a decent sleep. He looked like he needed it. The god was soon asleep. He started tossing and turning in hls sleep. He was having nightmares ,but he needed the sleep. He was sleeping for quite awhile. The god was very pale and in need of sleep. Loki coughed a few times in his sleep as well. He curled up more.