Birth Name: Michi Gordiant Hayato Name origin: Once nameless, his name "Michi" derives from the meaning unknown since his birth and his parents are a mystery. He was given this name to fit his circumstances. Alias: Michi Gender: Male Fur tone/ Hair color: Faded Brown Eye Color: Yellow Height: 5; 11 Body Build: Lean Religion: Believe's only in the Deity, Omnia. Birth Month: 8th month, The Deity of Essence, Omnia. Magic Color: Purple, which would tell Conjurer's when he was truly born. Faction: Conjurer's Affiliation: Neutral Backstory: Michi, is a feline who shares the intelligence of the human race. He has been part of the Conjurer's since he was found as a child. At first he was feral, but was taught to socialize with humans. In his younger years he was a troubled child, but as he grew older he was disciplined into becoming a protector of the forest. He protected from the Mad Queen, since Conjurers were outlawed. Along with others, he patrolled the forest for about a year. Meeting who he now calls his brother, Haquiana Gordiant Hayato. He had no actual home so Haquiana offered him a place to stay. Michi accepted the offer, and took Haquiana's middle and last name to show gratitude. Two years past'd by as Haquiana and Michi matured. One day while patrolling, the forest Haquiana and Michi were ambushed by the Mad Queen's men. Near the entrance to the forest they both were captured. Haquiana, intercepting the Guards knowing they would not stand a chance with the amount of men, he held them off as Michi made his escape. Fearing for his own life, Michi soon learned that Haquiana was captured and executed in the front of the masses as a message to strike fear into the Conjurer's. Michi regretted not helping his brother because he wasn't strong enough. Now filled with rage he decides to get stronger, no one will ever have to experience this type of tragedy again. Strengths: Very nimble because of his feline nature as well as reaction time and a sixth sense. Can easily get out of grabs. Weaknesses: Fire, very flammable due to his fur. Very trusting of most people. Weapons made for piercing skin and holding onto the flesh. Character Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]