John Wayne was not in a good mood. He'd been perched on this ledge for three hours and nothing. God damn Circusmaster. Could his henchman just be a little quicker. "Be quiet. Bastard could be anywhere," a voice said through the darkness below. There they were. The men who worked for The Circusmaster had finally showed up. His informant must have had the times wrong. John glided down to the ground, his cape extended and landed softly. "Oh yeah. The Winged Shadow. That pansy," the second henchman said mockingly as the Winged Shadow crept up behind them. John whipped out one of throwing knives which had been made with a special scarlet iron and stabbed it into one of the henchman's shoulder. He let out an anguished wail before being silenced when his head smacked to the ground. His partner spun around, a terrified look in his eye. "Hi. You were talking about me?" John asked inquisitively. The henchman remained still, paralyzed with fear. "Look. I'm gonna ask a question and your gonna answer. Alright? Don't make this hard on yourself," John said. The man nodded and said, "Y-y-yes sir." "Great. Now where is the Circusmaster?" John asked, pulling a Wingblade out and placing it to the man's throat. Intimidation was a great thing. "I-I-I don't know for sure but I heard some higher level guys say he was in New York," the henchman said. Great. NYC. "Thanks for your time," John said before slamming his elbow into the man's head and walking off, already dialing Harrison to get a plane set to NYC.