Name: Azuma Haruko Age: 16 Appearance: [url=]"Aquariums are so soothing to watch, I love seeing all the different fish!"[/url] Personality: Haruko is a very friendly, bright, and sociable girl. She is not one to act irritable or standoffish, and instead she is liable to immediately start trying to talk to new people. She enjoys meeting new people and finding new, nice places to play around. Haruko is also quite energetic, and while she's not incapable of being relaxed she enjoys moving around and being on the go. At least if it's not school or something. Haruko is very much not a fan of homework. But if it's a game, or something with her friends, she loves being up and energetic. Haruko cares a great deal for her friends and would do absolutely anything for them, as well. She is nearly always on the lookout for new people to befriend regardless of if it is logical or sensical to attempt to do so, as well. Background: There's really not much to say. Haruko has had a pretty normal life, though she's spent a lot of it, ever since she was a little girl, befriending others in any way possible. Abilities: Spell 1 Name: Sunflower Shield A large, round barrier that forms in front of Haruko's hand, closely resembling the "face" of a sunflower, minus the petals. While it can be used as a standard defense, it can also be used to ram opponents. This is how Haruko prefers to use it. Spell 2 Name: Daisy Chain A series of chains made out of daisies, rather obviously. They can sprout from the ground and bind enemies to keep them from moving, so they can be more freely attacked. They're not too strong, though, and can be broken out of.