[hider=Katrina][img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/286/8/1/red_knight_by_fluxen-d4cpebi.jpg][/hider] [b]Birth Name:[/b] Katrina Leyal [b]Name origin:[/b] Katrina was named after her grandmother. [b]Alias:[/b] The Red Blade [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Skin tone:[/b] Peach [b]Hair Color:[/b] Red [b]Eye Color:[/b] Amber [b]Height:[/b] 5' 10" [b]Body Build:[/b] Average [b]Faction:[/b] Mad Queen [b]Affiliation:[/b] Neutral, although her actions may lead her to be mistaken as evil. [b]Backstory:[/b] In the kingdom of the night, Katrina was born into a family of nobles. Her father had died a few months before her birth, and so her mother had taken over the family's assets as head, much to her step-siblings dismay. Katrina was a happy child, getting most of the things she wanted as her family was well off. She learned her swordsmanship from her uncle, who had no children of his own to teach. Katrina was a talented fighter, and aspired to join the royal knights long before she was aware with the politics of it, and before Bellatrix had seized control. When she came of age, the baster sword became her weapon of choice. The one she wields now is of quality make, to which Katrina had given the simple name of "Red", after it's scarlet hilt, with which Katrina was entranced with when she first obtained the sword. After the Mad Queen had taken control of the kingdom, Katrina was taught to worship the woman by her mother (who had done so mostly due to her fear of losing their family's status, rather then having any actual belief in the queen.), and so she did. After she had successfully joined the defenders of the queen, Katrina completed most tasks assigned to her quickly and effectively. Quite often though, she wonders if what she does is the right thing to do. Guilt quite often found it's way into her thoughts. On one occasion, she was ordered to kill young conjuror, who was only twelve years of age. She refused, up until the point of being threatened with treason. The memory haunts her even now, and she loathes herself for what she has done. However, After the first atrocity, it became easier and easier to commit more. Katrina had slowly desensitized herself, in order to make it easier on her to follow orders. She now worships the queen wholeheartedly, trying to justify her actions to herself. If ever the guilt of her crimes where allowed to seep into her mind, Katrina might just break down entirely. [b]Strengths:[/b] - At close combat, Katrina proficient in fighting with a bastard sword two handed. The sword is fine and well made. She can hold her own in hand to hand combat as well. - Though not exceptionally fast, Katrina is good at parrying and countering attacks with her sword and is decently dextrous - Can perform first aid, and has some knowledge of remedies. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - With no shield, Katrina is not the best at receiving blows. Her armor will take what it can, but she may be knocked back by particularly strong attacks. - No form of range or magic. [b]Religion:[/b] Katrina primarily worships Vitama, as does the rest of her family. [b]Birth month:[/b] The month of Domito