John replaced his suit with a red and blue flannel, and black skinny jeans, a typical clothing choice for any teenager in Gotham. "Sir, may I ask why you need the jet to fly you to New York City?" Harrison inquired, putting the suit of the Winged Shadow away. "Because the Circusmaster is there Harrison. And you can't stop me from going. Is Harvey here?" John asked, quickly changing the topic. "Yes he just arrived. Be careful Master Wayne," Harrison said, a caring look in his eye as he handed the teenager a bag filled with all the things he'd need as the Winged Shadow. "Thank you Harrison," John said as he took the elevator from his HQ to Wayne Manor where he went out back to the runway that his father had installed right before his death. There, a scarlet plane rested and John ran towards it, the stairs lowering as he moved forward. "The company won't like this," Harvey the pilot said as John took a seat. "Screw the company," John said as he fastened his seat belt and began to think about what he'd do once he got to New York.