"I wonder if she fell 'cause of the lack of depth perception preventing her from landing right..." Levi mused upon hearing the entertaining sound of Sarah's body hitting cold, hard metro ground. There was just no luck going for this girl was there? Sure, the male Vault Dweller could be considered a fan of schadenfreude, but at this rate it was leaning into hilariously disconcerting. He'd prefer his allies didn't look like blind, cyborg amputees by the end of the week. Hell, it'd only been what? Three, four days? [i]'Damn,'[/i] Levi thought before looking to David and slipping (metaphorically, that is - he was no Sarah with an abysmal Luck SPECIAL) down the meter high drop. "Oof!" Levi landed with a thud and a grunt, legs being forced to crouch down, "I swear, this escape thing is murder on the knees... Anyway..." He looked back up at the pipe and gestured for David to get his butt down so they could discuss tactics. "So, I'm most definitely not gonna go back up North. I was hoping it'd be more 'Santa Claus', 'friendly Canadians', and 'snow days'. Not 'psychos', 'robots', and 'weird-ass mutant creatures'. [i]You[/i] guys can continue up, if you want." He looked around the dank, poorly-lit metro. "...Plus this place gives me the heebie jeebies... Dave, you sure you know your way around this place?"