Solomon stood in the shadows of the abandoned subway station he used to come and go from the streets. He wondered what he should unleash today. Gas? No, it was too quiet. He wanted a spectacle today. Maybe a car bomb, but that was a bit impersonal in his opinion. It was too generic an act, it might fly too far under the radar. And then he had a very interesting idea indeed. Maybe today would be the day to make his grand debut. It seemed as good as any other. He began to walk towards the chain link fence at the top of the long dead escalator, which he effortlessly climbed over. He could smell the people all around him. It was such a beautiful day that he thought he would go to the park. He jumped up to the top of the building beside him in a single bound. He couldn't see the park from his vantage, but the obvious gap in buildings told him where the park was. He leaped from rooftop to rooftop until he arrived on the top of a building overlooking the park. He found that a large group of people were all crowding around an artist at work. He pushed himself off and up, falling down straight on top of the artist, crushing him and knocking the open cans of paint at his feet over, creating a burst of color on the pavement. At first people were more stunned than anything else, but that changed when he reached out to the man nearest him, picked him up by the neck with one hand and squeezed so hard his head rolled off after a lot of gurgling and a crackling sound. And the screaming began.