Lex didnt need another loan. Lex always paid Wayne back. He said "Dont need a lon anymore Wayne...and I'm sure I have enough Kryptonite for now.." He sat down. "I know you have been hacking into my cameras Wayne....and I came here to warn you." Lex stood up. "We had a decent partner ship. You give me kryptonite and reactors, I give you weapons you need. However Thomas if you try and back-stab me...It will end our partnership and I will come after you." Lex glared at Wayne. Manchester heard tons of screaming and voices. Some in his head. he cursed and went to the voices. Manchester saw Grundy. "Arent you one ugly bastard...why dont you stop hurting people before I have to waste you." Manchester knew this guy was tough and would be ready to attack. Manchester tried to read Solomn's mind to find anything about him. All he got was a old nursery rhyme. "What the bloody hell?"