Okay. Wonderful. The New God has been in power for about four years. It says so in the OP, too. [quote=The Opening Post]“The New God” Not much is known about this man who came and turned the world around. Even though it feels like it has been a lifetime, it was really just a few years ago. He is a superhuman. A Technopath, they call him. He can create any sort of technology from just a few scraps of metal. He wills it and it happens. [b]Four years ago, give or take a month or two, he rose.[/b] The Crusaders, his soldiers, stood behind him. All of their weapons were beyond what we had ever imagined building. Their armors were like something out of a science fiction movie. Everything was so far beyond what we were capable of and he did it like it was nothing. After forcing the world to obey his word as their new leader by threat and force, he simply proclaimed himself The New God, build himself a castle of metal and technology and sat in his throne while his Crusaders roamed the streets, ready to pull the trigger on anyone acting out of line.[/quote] About Sariel... That I would not be able to explain without spoiling something that you are not supposed to know yet. Sorry. There is a sound reason, though. Well... Although The New God is called The New God, he does not make people praise him or anything. I guess the name is more ironic than it is an actual religious name; as if he was telling them that there is no God; that the beings they worship as deities are just as hu man as they... Or something like that. The Liberation Front has their headquaters at the mental asylum, but they are not admitted, themselves. I thought I had written that the mental asylum was abandoned, but I guess I forgot or thought faster than I wrote. The Liberation Front members recruit people.