No battle cry warned the enemy of Savin's approach, simply a shimmering effect within the mass of Orks and Kobolds that issued forth another thunderclap as the Walker entered combat. Aeterna sang as it cut through the air, felling the first two bodies that were unlucky enough to be in its path, turning the weapon over in his hand Savin spun and embedding it in the chest of an Ork. Two kobolds, who must have been encouraged by some laps in Savin's awareness rushed forward, their crooked spears raised, cackling in their tongue, only to be met with darts of purple energy that, like the ork in the forest, contorts their bodies and throws them like they were his with a heavy swinging log. Extracting Aeterna, whose gleam could be made out even under the black ork blood, Savin began to wade into the enemies towards the Elf and Norseman. But until he reached them he fought on, Aeterna flashing as it reflects the glow of his tendrils, the purple energy falling like smoke from his left hand as he treads his casting with his combat.