Apollo had tackled Plastic Man out of the way, wide-eyed as soon as he saw Cyber Knight steady her flamethrower. The gout of fire struck the criminal, and Apollo almost felt sorry for him. Then, after apologetically smiling at Plastic Man, he looked in near-horror as Icicle was further brutalized by a super-human punch from Patriot, who then began sapping electricity from the surrounding street lights and cars. Fate came in then, apparently just as shocked as Apollo had been by Cyber Knight's actions with her flamethrower. Apollo watched as Fate drifted down towards Icicle, but as the smoke began to clear, a blast of freezing cold energy radiated outward from Icicle's position. Alexander wasn't initially worried about it, but then he realized something: he was still soaking wet from his shower. When the cold hit him, his clothes became stiff, his hair stood up and froze on-end, and soon he was utterly encased in ice. For a many harsh, long seconds, he was afraid he'd suffocate, but the ice suddenly liquefied, leaving him even more drenched than before. He fell to his knees, gasping for air, and looked up to see a massive Icy creature-no, he realized, it was Frostburn encased in his frigid armour. He figured he had Hákon to thank for freeing him from the ice, and made a mental note to thank him upon the team's return to base. Veronica had come in by now, completing the team, and she seemed to be calling the authorities, which, to Apollo's eyes, seemed the only way to handle the situation at this point. With Icicle out cold, Hákon moved to chastise the team, even though the one who tried to burn Icicle to death wasn't among them. Cyber Knight had flown off back to HQ. "Do we need to do some homework back at HQ?" Frostburn asked, his voice drenched in sarcasm. "How are we supposed to make people accept us as these 'champions of justice' if we run amok, blasting every petty criminal we see into submission and disregarding the safety of everyone around us?" When he finished speaking, he singled out Patriot for a stern talking-to, and Apollo didn't feel like waiting to be next. He hadn't even participated in the fight. He had caused no damage, and hadn't even struck Icicle. If anything, getting frozen had made him more of a liability than anything. He slung his bow over his shoulder and walked off, turning his head to shout back at Hákon, "None of us performed admirably, but I can tell you right now Frostburn, that Patriot isn't the one you need to worry about. Patriot didn't try to burn anyone alive." He didn't wait around for a response, instead choosing to continue his walk back to the base. Somebody would have to talk to Cyber Knight, and it might as well be him.